Myth of Bernoulli's Principle

ok i didnt read the link , but blakestahs comments keep catching my attention ...

blakestah , im not sure if ive interpreted you correctly …

but ill just make some statements , and then see how they sit with you …

if it was as simple as redirecting water , then we could use a thin sheet of something stiff and it would work fine …

A thin sheet of something stiff DOES work fine in my system. In fact, better than a thicker foiled sheet. But my system is designed to only have the foil operate at small AOAs.


the bernouli principle , has a major role to play ,

i read your statement yesterday about negative angles of attack still producing lift , how you questioned that concept …

as it is contrary to what ive found , i thought i would do some simple experiments…

Here is a simple experiment. Put a surfboard on the racks, fins down. Take your airgun, and shoot it onto the outside of a rail fin so that the air angle is parallel to the stringer. Does the air push the tail towards the other rail fin, or away from it?

if you have no foil , you get no pressure difference , angle of attack then makes the difference in pressure , but because the stall angle will be greatly reduced with no foil , you have a redirection with a component of drag added ...

Right, a thin flat foil works REALLY well at small AOAs, and decreasingly well at larger AOAs due to reduced stall angle.


we can do all the calculations in the world , use fancy programs to work out lift to drag ratios …we can get numbers and say there is your answer , but will they give us an understanding of whats really going on ???



The Bernoulli effect relates velocity changes to pressure differentials. These pressure differentials are much much smaller than the pressures associated with changes in AOA. So small, that neglecting them entirely will still leave one with a REALLY good first order understanding of what is going on.

Fins with wider foils sacrifice lift and drag at smaller angles of attack for better lift and drag at larger angles of attack. Fish and marine mammals that can change their angles of attack use thin foils. Wider foils are necessary in systems that require larger AOA ranges.

I suspect this is mostly semantic arguing…you put a fin on a board and ride it and you know…

  1. Why does everyone (implicitly) assume that the flow over the more convex surface of an asymmetrical wing section speeds up? Why can’t the flow just move at the same speed over that surface–but just arrive at the trailing edge later? Consider a river splitting into two smaller rivers. One continues straight ahead; the other meanders around (constant cross section) over 10 times the distance of the first before rejoining with the first branch. Does the flow in this meandering river go 10 times as fast as in the first branch? …somewhat faster? …the same speed? …slower? If it goes faster, why? …and by how much?

Even if the flow over the more convex surface move at the same speed as the flatter side, wouldn’t this also result in low pressure on the convex side generating lift? I guess the reason this is kind of in the books is due to testing. Shouldn’t be too hard to messure wind speed on top of and below a wing and compare. Without going into detail, the river anology is flawed.

Bdw. Why do paperplanes fly? Not much foil there…




Bdw. Why do paperplanes fly? Not much foil there…



EDIT- Don’t know why half of my post (the part including my thoughts) disappeared… point I made was that paper airplanes don’t fly- they just don’t fall as fast.

blakestah , everything fell into place that time ,all made perfect sense …

the airgun experiment would have different results depending on the camber of the fin …

i understand what your saying in regard to redirecting the flow with a thinner foil ,

my only point of disagreement was the situation where you have a heavily cambered foil , it will still produce lift even with a reverse angle of attack …that was my whole point on another thread about toe in angles being tied back to the amount of camber you use ,

mtb , yes i fully agree my simple experiment would get interference from the table …

but differences were still observable with different foils …regardless …

your concaved foils would still produce lift at angles of attack , getting close to that of a normal fin , the biggest problem is lift over the largest range of AOA

the concave foils take longer to kick in , its not until youve leaned into your turn a little further that they start to work , mainly because at low angles of attack you have a small region of low pressure near the leading edge of the high pressure side , also think about the situation where there is a reverse angle of attack , now there super inefficient …

as surfboards experience extreme AOA at a large range of speeds , what would be the best choice of fin ???

at one stage i believed it was possible to make your own speed on flat water , but now i realise you have gravity working against you , fish are bouyant in water , so that takes away one vector …

i do have boards i can keep moving on a small swell with no white water , you just need the smallest amount of free energy …

with the scenario you proposed i think a real light super powerful rider could keep the board moving for the longest distance …you can guarantee tho , the choice of foils would become real apparent with an experiment like that …

it would highlight the ineficiencies of some foils …

and yes you do need rider effort to make it happen , but even without much rider effort and just some wave energy , all a surfer has to do is lean gently and the fuller foil will do more work ,here is a quote from a customer in an email he sent me a few months back …see what you can glean from it …



The last couple of days I’ve revisited those huge wood vectors you made for my mal- (ones with the cutaways at the base)- Had a ball at dunes on the things! Felt a bit slow when you were just trimming a straight line (even noticed it feeling a bit slow paddling )-- but once you worked the board rail to rail they would go off! You’d get a really good squirt out of the turns when you powered them up plus they would go vert really easy- felt great! (reminded me of riding your 8 footer) Waist to head high seemed to be the perfect size waves for the big things- when I got anything bigger they still felt good but would sometimes do things you didn’t initiate — like they did when I rode them at yalls a few month ago in some fairly pushy waves.

Actually paper planes (and balsa wood toy gliders) do fly!

When you first release the plane from your hand it may actually momentarily gain altitude as it has sufficient forward motion to generate more lift than is necessary to maintain level flight. But since they have no internal source of propulsion, they quickly lose that forward momentum, and along with it their lift. That is when they begin a slow ‘fall’ descent. Another word for this is ‘glide’.

Real life gliders, both fixed wings and hang gliders, are good examples. Since they too have no internal source of propulsion, in order to generate enough lift to gain altitude they basically rely upon either: being pulled through the air (e.g., a tow plane), or riding updrafts, thus gaining enough altitude to take advantage of their extremely efficient glide ratio (that is, the distance traveled forward per distance lost in altitude) to hopefully find another updraft to take advantage of.

Incidentally, riding updrafts is exactly the same thing that many larger species of birds, such as buzzards, vultures, condors. etc., do. Yet it would be absurd to claim that they do not ‘fly’. (However, gliding flight is obviously not the same thing as powered flight.)

There is a common misconception that the air molecules flowing over the top of an airfoil MUST move faster than those flowing underneath. However, there is absolutely no logical reason why this must be so, as there is no physical connection between the molecules. Once they are separated by the air foil into an ‘over’ and ‘under’ flow, in no way do they have any affect whatsoever on each other. (In fact, wind tunnels studies show that the airflow over the top of the airfoil does slow down, primarily due to drag.)

In addition, the amount of lift generated by Bernoulli’s Principle is entirely inadequate to lift even a single engine Cessna weighing a few thousand pounds, let alone a huge airliner (e.g., Boeing 727), weighing hundreds of tons! (In order to generate enough lift via the Bernoulli Effect, the airfoil would have to be semi-circular in shape!)

That is not to say, however, that Bernoulli’s Principle does not generate some lift in airfoils. Something like approximately 2-3% of the lift provided by an airfoil is calculated as being due to the Bernoulli Effect (the rest is primarily due to the Physical Effect of the airflow being directed downwards).

On the other hand, the Bernoulli effect is stronger in water, since that is a different medium than air (e.g., water is much more viscuous).

For example, a sailboat apparently takes good advantage of the Bernoulli Principle when sailing upwind. The pressure generated by the keel moving through the water is opposite to that generated by the sail itself, which would tend to move/push the sailboat in the direction the wind is blowing (i.e., downwind), and that is what enables a sailboat to sail ‘against the wind’. (Although I wonder how much of this pressure may also be due to the Physical Effect?).

IMHO, the Bernoulli Effect does not have as much affect on surfboards as many believe, but the Physical Effect does (which would/should change how we view the dynamics involved).

So you’re basically saying that the effect of foil on fins are overrated? (Atleast if you disregard the effect the foil has on preventing turbulence)



I dunno about over-rated…

Foiling alters physical effects also…

The Bernoulli effect relates changes in velocity to changes in pressure, and the lift generation associated with that. And these sources of lift are over-rated. These explanations of how fins work - using the Bernoulli effect as the principal science behind the explanation - do not address the major sources of lift.

how many aspects will give lift???

bernoulli effect, angle of attack , vortex generation…

obviously angle of attack plays the biggest role , but the other 2 help with contol and the reduction of drag…

to redirect the flow takes energy , the bernoulli effect takes energy as well ,

but the bernoulli effect can redirect the flow without an angle of attack ,

so now your getting lift without as much induced drag , even though you have more viscous drag , its still a better equation…

to be fair , what you do blakestah , throws all the conventional arguements away ,

your operating in a totally different area , so the rules change a bit …

question blakestah???

what bottom contours have you found to work best with your system???

at first glance it would seem concaved tails would suit the theme ,

have you done much there???



Concave tails aren’t so hot. The rail lift really fights the center fin action. When the waves get steeper, you benefit from

  1. a little Vee in front of the fin

  2. a smooth relative straight rail line from 6 inches in front of the fin and forward in the next 12-18 inches

  3. hard rails no further forward than 6 inches in front of the fin.

  4. Flattening bottom contours into the tail, and hard all around from 6 inches in front of the fin to the tail

I haven’t played with a hydro-hull type bottom yet (Vee with concaves cut into the Vee).

i just read the link …

i agreed with all of it . im stoked coz he mentioned a few things ive always believed , but never found in the standard text book theories …

the fact that most of the lift is generated in the first quarter of the foil…

a foil with a higher aspect ratio is more efficient…

even without angle of attack there is still a down ward deflection , which matches one of my drawings on another thread …

the coanda effect was real back up to one of my longtime theories as well …

ive always believed in curving up the front of the fin as early as practical , that would initiate the coanda effect earlier with more force , i always thought of it more as giving the water at the boundry layer near the leading edge angular momentum ,causing it to keep tripping over itself , constantly forcing itself down onto the fin surface, like when you hit sand on your bike slow down and feel like your going over the handle bars…

i think what he was really doing is showing the importance of the other effects and how most people give to much credit to the bernoulli effect for all the lift…

one thing i found interesting , if you read a little deeper , the bernoulli effect plays a bigger role in reducing the drag of a thicker foil …

notice a 747 wing has less drag than 1/2 inch cable ???

that was a great link …

i did feel in his summary , he tended to downgrade the importance of the bernoulli effect a bit to much …

its all part of the package ,

without a doubt , there are many forces at work , and many principles of physics that apply …it only stands to reason that as new ideas emerge they are given alot of importance , but as time goes by they get placed alongside existing theories so that they all sit with equal importance , all being part of the equation…

yea blakestah … the only reason i thought tail concaves would help … is because they help initiate a direction change when you put your board on the rail…

because your fin would continue straight a little longer after the rider had initiated a turn , it would give a somewhat delayed reaction until the fin kicks in , i was thinking tail concave would compensate for that …

definatly , the harder edges and flattening rocker in the tail would help to …

sometimes it just takes a long time to try all the variables…



Yea blakestah .. the only reason i thought tail concaves would help .. is because they help initiate a direction change when you put your board on the rail..

because your fin would continue straight a little longer after the rider had initiated a turn , it would give a somewhat delayed reaction until the fin kicks in

Unfortunately it is difficult to know how something will work until it is ridden. A lot depends on how stiff the side forces are. But generally before you can get a board on a rail, the fin has already reached a new steady-state rotation and is generating drive.

And if you feel it is not responsive enough, you drop stiffer $1 bumpers in until it is. In the limit, with ultra stiff bumpers, it generates drive like a rigid single fin. But the toe-in has advantages in turning, so most people ride it with bumpers that allow substantial turning of the fin.

First, an off-topic question: How does one begin a new paragraph when responding to a quote? A double shows up on the composition screen as beginning a new paragraph…but the transmitted post is displayed as one huge paragraph.

Thanks in advance for any replies. In the meantime, I’ve inserted a /P to indicate the start of a new paragraph.

Now back to the topic at hand (and I apologize for the lack of paragraphs and the resulting difficulty in reading the post).


……to redirect the flow takes energy , the bernoulli effect takes energy as well ,

but the bernoulli effect can redirect the flow without an angle of attack ,…

 /P In the Physical explaination, it is the Coanda Effect that redirects the flow (and it does not require that there be a speed difference between the two sides to effect this redirection). The Coanda effect also does not require an angle of attack for an asymmetric foil (i.e. with camber) to generate lift at zero angle of attack.     /P By way of example, consider a flat surface with some angle of attack, alpha, moving (planing) across the surface of water. If the velocity is "high", virtually all the lift generated by this surface is the result of the downward momentum imparted to the water moving under the hull (at slower speeds, buoyancy makes an increasing contribution to the pressure exerted on the bottom of the hull).     /P The magnitude of the lift is related to the rate of change of vertical momentum imparted to the water per unit time--and hence proportinal to the density of the fluid, the square of the velocity of the fluid, the wetted area of the surface, the (effective) thickness of the layer of water affected, and the sine of the angle-of-attack.     /P Now let's assume that the water level is raised so that the thin plate is totally submerged (but remains at the same angle-of-attack, and moves through the water at the same speed). Now one has the lift generated by the deflection of the water passing under the plate, plus any lift created by water moving along and down the upper side of the plate. Within limits (e.g. the stall angle), the Coanda effect causes the water on the upper side of the plate to follow this path, hence if the thickness of the layer of water flowing over the upper side of the plate, and deflected downward by the angle-of-attack of the plate is the same as for the lower surface, one would expect that the lift would be doubled. In fact, it is slightly more than doubled (e.g. a factor of about 2.06x versus 2.00x).     /P Why? One explanation might be that the difference is a consequence of the Bernoulli effect. A possible alternative is that the thickness of the upper layer that is affected by the presence of the inclined plate is greater than the thickness of the analogous layer flowing under the plate.     /P But there is another complication. Although the total lift with flow past both sides is approximately double the total lift with the flow past only one side, measurements show that substantially more than half the total lift is a consequence of the flow over the upper face of the plate, and substantially less than half the total lift is a consequence of the flow over the lower face of the plate. What happened to reduce the lift generated by the lower face as a result of simply immersing the plate deeper in the water?      /P One contributor is that the mass (per unit time) of water in the lower layer has been reduced, while the mass (per unit time) of water in the uper layer has been increased. When the plate was at the surface, all the water lying below the leading edge of the plate went under the plate; when the plate is immersed, a portion of the flow approaching the plate from slightly below the leading edge slows down, reverses course, and flows up the plate (and counter to the overall flow), wraps around the leading edge, and flows down along the upper surface. The greater the angle of attack, the more this "stagnation" point marking the point of separation between the water flowing over, and the water flowing under, the plate, the more this point moves down the lower face of the plate (and when the angle of attack becomes 90-degrees--i.e. vertical--the stagnation point lies at the middle of the plate).     /P Now consider a foil consisting of a flat lower face, and a convex upper face, with a sharp leading edge where the curved and flat surfaces intersect. The plate is oriented so that the angle of attack is zero (i.e. the plate is horizontal). Water moving under the foil is not deflected downward, and hence contributes nothing to the lift. On the other hand, water moving over the foil is initially deflected upward (imparted upward momentum), then (via the Coanda effect) its upward motion fades and reverses to a downward sloping path as it moves past the thickest section of the foil and toward the trailing edge. As it leaves the trailing edge of the foil, its  direction of motion is aligned with approximately the slope of the rear section of the foil--and hence downward as well as aft. Since this downward motion means that downward momentum has been imparted to the water flowing over the foil, a lift force is imparted to the foil.     /P [An aside: As the flows over the top of the foil and below the foil merge beyond the trailing edge, they mix and the downward momentum of the upper flow is reduced, while the lower flow is imparted a downward momentum. Since momentum, unlike energy, is a conserved quantity, the end result is that the mixture has the same downward momentum as the flow over the upper layer just prior to reaching the trailing edge]     /P End result? Lift is generated by an asymmetric foil without any need to invoke the Bernoulli effect. That is not to say that the Bernoulli effect cannot contribute to the lift, only that it is not required--and whether any Bernoulli effect is additive or subtractive will depend on the relative speeds on the two sides of the foil. Estimates of the Bernoulli effect contribution indicate that the contribution is small compared in comparison with the lift associated with the imparting of vertical momentum to the water moving around the foil as a consequence of the Coanda effect.     /P By conceptually rotating our hypothetical foil so as to make the angle of attack become increasingly negative, it is obvious that at some negative angle (e.g. approximately one half the included angle between the upper and lower faces of the foil near the trailing edge), the lift force will be reduced to zero--and any further negative rotation will lead to a downward directed lift force.     /P In this example, for conceptual ease it was assumed that the leading edge was sharp. However, a sharp leading edge can have adverse effects (in terms of the lift/drag ratio) at positive angles of attack. As noted above, with a positive angle of attack, the stagnation point begins to move along the lower surface, causing a flow to develop that reverses course at the stagnation point, moves forward (and upward), and around the leading edge, before moving back along the upper face of the foil. If the leading edge of the foil is not sufficiently rounded, as the flow rounds the leading edge, it can separate from the surface of the foil, then reattach farther back on the upper foil surface. This can have adverse effects on the lift/drag characteristics of the foil. These become even more pronounced as the angle of attack (and lift force) are increased, leading to premature stalling. This is the reason that thin foils (e.g. the Venetian shade-like thin foil) have earlier stall angles, lower maximum lift coeffients, and increased drag at large angles of attack, compared with foiled sections with more rounded leading edges.     /P retroman wrote:    <div class="bb-quote">Quote:<blockquote class="bb-quote-body">

……On the other hand, the Bernoulli effect is stronger in water, since that is a different medium than air (e.g., water is much more viscuous)……

 /P As long as one avoids operating at low pressures that lead to cavitation (liquid evaporating to a gas) or ventilation (entrainment of air into a low pressure void), and at speeds that are well below the speed of sound (Mach # <<1), the dynamic properties of a fluid (gas or liquid) flow are scaled by the Reynolds number (equal to the product of the flow speed times a characteristic length of the object divided by the kinematic viscosity)--not solely by the viscosity. So if two identical (except for gas vs liquid) flow situations have large and equal Reynolds numbers, the flow dynamics should be identical, and the Bernoulli effects equal. Moreover, at low Reynolds numbers, the effects of viscosity and the accompany dissipation of energy should diminish, rather than increase, the Bernoulli effect (since the latter implicitly assumes the conservation of energy).     /P MT

Stimulated by all this stuff - how come we ever got the idiot stereotype in the first place? Personally if I’m looking for a new job I don’t let the bastards know I surf…kiss of death for job prospects.

Back to the point though - Herb’s superchargers work on the same principle as the “bastard wing” or alula on Birds. They’re basically a small wing positioned in the same way as superchargers which they use at slow speeds to (apparently) reduce turbulence - anyone like to take a stab at how these might come into the mix in surfing?

mtb …

very well written , logical sequence of thoughts …

as i made the comment you quoted, before i read the link , at the time i made that comment , the concept of the coanda effect hadnt been put before me ,

so i put the change in momemtum and downward direction change of the flow over the foil , (for the sake of keeping it simple) down to the bernoulli effect …

even tho i had my own ideas , the way the writer of the link explained the coanda effect , was simple and concise…

your explanation was good , and i agreed with everything you said in principle ,

in future when refering to whats happening over the foil i could use the term bernoulli/coanda effect…

i wont give away the bernoulli effect , look closely at the coanda effect and its still intertwined with the bernoulli principal…

scientific explanations aside , over the years ive come up with foils that work …

through trial , r&d , testing and comparing , ive found various foils to function extremly well depending on the conditions there built for …

even tho i was exposed to a new terminology , all it really does is further confirm my original theories,

as i read your post mtb , you pretty much verify why i do my fins the way i do …

so i wont be rushing out and changing my foils , but what i do have , is yet more scientific backup for my fin designs …

here mtb check out my standard foils , 2 pics , 1 against a red x fin and the other showing the thickness …

its a slow process , but eventually the evidence mounts up …

regardless of what the masses think …i wont change what i know to function the best , even if it seems ilogical at first glance…

function before fashion…



This thread begins to address the fluid dynamics going on around surfboards and the fins attached to them. My methods have been much the same as Bert’s though I suspect I’m more driven by my intuition than anything else constantly drawing outlines and foil plans as I am. Not having many surfers to ride trials for me has forced me to attempt to ride some fairly unusual experiments in the past.

Quantifying and qualifying the subtleties of the fluid dynamic that are produced by an asymmetrical fin foil or the wide variation of foils found in surf-craft is no easy task. For me, because my foils are more complex that just a flat surface on one side and convex one on the other, it is tough to say the least, though I do attempt it on occasion. Clearly the introduction of the coanda effect into the picture of this sort of definition is of major significance and Bernoulli’s principal undeniable figures into the picture as well. I’m sure we’ll discover some other terms that will help us out along the way, but for now IMHO “Boandanoulli” is what is really going on.

When we look at nature and how she gets through the water and across the sky the keen observer notices that she sketches all her vehicles in arcs with few exceptions. The only time we see something approaching a straight line is in a trailing edge, and never on either side of the body itself. For me the answer to why is simple: Joining with the fluid through which the body passes and reducing the turbulence created while passing through is a grand performance aid. As a shape encourages the fluid to flow around it is, if you will, at the same time more attached and yet freer to respond to directional changes depending on how much arc there is the body passing through the fluid. Greater radius in the arc inhibits rapid directional change. I…E. a sharp rail will discourage a board from rolling, but rather tend to hold the board more upright.

In keeping with this sharp lines tend to change direction more abruptly than soft ones and the feeling is much of an all or nothing one. I.E. fins with a sharp leading edge tend to want to break from one direction to another abruptly. Certainly there is a place for a relatively sharp edge in surf-craft. In the forward section it should be more moderate than in the aft section much the same way we reason things out; that is to start with a specific theory and temper it into a bigger picture, for while the hard inflexible terms may seem to put all things in their place when we enter the water everything is in constant motion and it is that fine measure of torsion that creates the perfect effect.

Off to the fin shop, Rich

…Hey, Bert, in the past i tried to build wooden fins thinner, but seems to me that dont work well…now when a guy order a board with w.f., i do thicker like yours…

…i think the problem with some theories, is the fact that the waves in most countries most of the times are not clean and perfect…so, may be one of us build the perfect fins and put them in the right position for a certain board, but may be we minimize significance…

…one of the best systems (for a thruster shape) i tried is the -2 in line- fins, a fin bigger than a normal one with a stabilizer behind…

I’ve gone to great lengths to make my thin fins stiff enough. When I make a fin 7.5" deep and 0.280" thick, I am not using generic polyester resin and glass cloth, because it would be plain flimsy.

In the cases of your making thin fins, are you checking stiffness as well as thickness, or just thickness?

Because if you can bend it in your hands, at all, the water is certainly bending it also, and that is bleeding off energy.

There is this confound in thin fins…stiffness and thickness. Unless you use epoxy and some carbon fiber (or metal), you will have a REAL hard time making a thin fin work. That doesn’t mean thin fins don’t work, it may mean that fins that are not stiff enough don’t work. In my case at least, thin flimsy fins don’t work, but thin stiff fins exceed the performance of standard thickness fins.

Anyway, just a thought…

…yeah, i think in your way , but i refer to wooden fins…

…now i´m doing some thinners with really heavier cloth and Poly with aerosil…well, looking for some stiff

(The following is an excerpt from an article on wind tunnel testing of America’s Cup sailboat keel designs from the Seattle Post Intelligencer.)

Paul Robertson, who created the scale model of the keel bulb for the test, said the wind-tunnel test is great for testing flow, but it’s not quite accurate to say that the behavior in air and water is always going to be identical.

“Air is pretty much always just air,” said Robertson, president of Aeronautical Testing Service in Arlington. “But water is not always just water.”

That is, a wind tunnel is great for airplanes or testing behavior in air because the nature of air remains fairly consistent. But water, as a substance to move through, can vary by quite a bit, he said. (Emphasis added.)

“A lot of garbage in the water can cause greater turbulence,” Robertson said. Sailing closer to land, where the water contains a lot of silt and dead organisms, requires a different configuration for maximum efficiency than sailing in deep water, he said.

(The last paragraph is of particular interest to surfboard fin design and dynamics.)