NALU Magazine

I browsed a few issues at a frinds place and was amazed by the photos and gorgeous layout. I can’t read a word of japanese, but who cares, it’s a killer mag. Who cares, sometimes the Surfers Journal may as well be Greek. :stuck_out_tongue: Any idea where it or any other Japanese surf mags areavailable in So Cal? Cheers & Aloha, John

I browsed a few issues at a frinds place and was amazed by the photos and > gorgeous layout. I can’t read a word of japanese, but who cares, it’s a > killer mag.>>> Who cares, sometimes the Surfers Journal may as well be Greek. :P>>> Any idea where it or any other Japanese surf mags areavailable in So Cal?>>> Cheers & Aloha,>>> John Its a killer magazine for sure, too bad they dont have an English version.

Japan has its share of surf mags, three main ones I believe. With its high stock glossy paper, 4c spreads, and killer photography, I’d have to argue Nalu is the best of them. If you’re interested, I could probably dig up some subscription info. Just email me at the above.>>> Its a killer magazine for sure, too bad they dont have an English version.

im always interested in the japanese mags, ghunt if you can could post some info if would be good, id like to be able to get my hands on a few issues of nalu. got any other info on groovy surfing japanese websites ive done searches but cant come up with much. thankss

I really like nalu- one thing i notice is that surfers in most of the photos look like they are happy and and are having a really good time, so many other mags are full of photos of scowling surfers. In Nalu it seems not to be all pros too. Any time I can pick up a used copy I do. Cheers

I browsed a few issues at a frinds place and was amazed by the photos and > gorgeous layout. I can’t read a word of japanese, but who cares, it’s a > killer mag.>>> Who cares, sometimes the Surfers Journal may as well be Greek. :P>>> Any idea where it or any other Japanese surf mags areavailable in So Cal?>>> Cheers & Aloha,>>> John . You can find these in Japanese bookstores here in Los Angeles. Yohan Plaza in little Tokyo . (down town LA) I believe there is a Yohan in Torrance. The Japanese bookstores on Sawtelle street in WLA has them as well. ok Good luck

how do we get copies of the Nalu magazine to they have a website

I really like nalu- one thing i notice is that surfers in most of the > photos look like they are happy and and are having a really good time, so > many other mags are full of photos of scowling surfers. In Nalu it seems > not to be all pros too. Any time I can pick up a used copy I do. Cheers Totally agree Stieny! It’s a magazine for regular folks, all stoke, and I see ‘how to’ pages for shaping, repair, & surfing technique. Also, last time I checked japanese newsstands in West LA, they didnt carry NALU. I’m relocating to Boston, and there are a few japanese bookstores there, but they cater more to an academic clientele.

John, did you get it?

John, I work in boston and live on the south shore. I can hook you up with what little surf scene we have around here. The best Japanese bookstore is in Porter Sq (Somerville) and they cannot get Nalu. Tried with them last year. Rob Olliges

Got it today, thanks I think the best bet is to pay the international rate and subscribe. I’ll ask a Japanese friend to help me with the subscription card, and I’ll se what happens Also, I know the 2 magazine stores in Porter Sq., I used to live there. Thanks, John

could you post the contact details for nalu magazine on here if you can…