"Name the new design" contest!

The names “bulletfish” and “half-metal jack(fish)” come to mind.

Hi Josh,

I was thinking:

  • Winki Fish (assuming Winki will be it’s testing ground) or

  • Speed Fish or

  • Ride it first and see what it rides like, then give it an apt name :slight_smile:

Hope I see you in the water on this one :slight_smile:


Manta Ray is winning so far, however, I agree with Bert:-

The board will take a good riding before I Christen it. Incidentally, my glasser is procrastinating over this! ( I did the stinger partly as a challenge to him, because he rabbits on about having been glassing since before I was born and having seen every design under the sun!)

While I’m here, I have to say, Bert, you are a fucken Legend! I’ve been intimidated by Vaccum bagging for years, thinking it was all too techy, and now with some shoving from my mate Stephen, a fridge motor and gauge, a block of EPS with computer cut profiles, some balsa for parabolic stringers and some sheets of core-cell are waiting in the garage so stay tuned!!!

Love yez



What’s it like?

excellent !!!

I suppose we need to explain to those born post-1970’s , perhaps ?

"it’s… "

quick , “speedy” [haha] …

spray , glass and fin the bloody thing …then maybe it will look less like …and more like a surfboard !!


Hey Pandarus,

Never buy grivn from a moyel.

Maybe bammbamm808 can look it up and translate. I’ll never tell.

the venturian

Falibu Moil?

Sorry Gene. Couldn’t help myself. :slight_smile:

Now, THAT’s funny.

“Mr. Squiggle” …

I’ve got to go now, miss Jane …my rocket is ready to leave …


surfs up in jersey


…" and now with some shoving from my mate Stephen, a fridge motor and gauge…"

…too strange !!

Even if your mate Stephen IS a fridge motor AND gauge , that’s still no reason for him to shove you around …

(Threaten to disconnect his power …THAT should stop him in his tracks !!)


Drop Off Tail Fish, which sounds kinda bad, but can be shortened to D.O.T. fish