Nancy Katin

I can remember walking P.C.H. with my surfboard in arm and my gear in a red back pack that I bought from Brad McCall thru the mail.I was 15, relocated to a new and strange enviroment. Sometimes,“THUMBING”,sometimes I would ride my bike(about 5-10 miles one way) to and from my mom’s house in Long Beach to S.B.or H.B…I always stopped in at “Kanvas by KATIN”(a small shop in Sunset Beach,Ca.) to talk and say “Hi” to Nancy Katin.She would keep me informed about what was going on in Hawaii with friends,and the big names.Many times she would feed me or give me small jobs to do.I loved to here her surf stories.I was always rapped in a sandy towel,wet,and cold ,but for those moments I didn’t feel uncomfortable at all(she would bring out this old portable electric heater for me).I only bought 2 pairs of trunks from her in my life,but she had given me lots for free!When I went back to Hawaii she gave me a pair of new style two tone brown and red nylons to take with me.Nancy was truly a life saver to me,and because of people like her,and Timmy Dorsey I live,and breath a healthy surf life!Thankyou, Nancy FOR TAKING THE TIME TO TALK TO A LITTLE KID…you could have easily looked over,instead you took me in and made me a friend.I know you are “WATCHING OVER ME” as I type this …GOD BLESS YOU!!! Herb.

Herb, After reading your post, I went thru the cedar closet and found the 1st pair of baggies I bought. Kanvas by Katin, circa 1965, not in to bad a shape,faded yellow, dbl. stripped, brown and white, the original canvas material. Big smile here, they still fit !!! R.I. surfer

Herb, i guess some people are sent here to serve as ‘open channels’, through which the love of our Creator flows to the rest of us…if we’re fortunate enough to make their acquaintance. this was your good fortune, and i can really appreciate the sentiment, so well expressed in your post.

Nancy was aloha with a capital A.

Herb,>>> After reading your post, I went thru the cedar closet and found the 1st > pair of baggies I bought. Kanvas by Katin, circa 1965, not in to bad a > shape,faded yellow, dbl. stripped, brown and white, the original canvas > material. Big smile here, they still fit !!!>>> R.I. surfer PS I had heard a rumor a while ago. Had Katin spun off their wholesale division ? If so, do they just mfg. and sell out of the 1 location ? R.I. surfer

PS>>> I had heard a rumor a while ago. Had Katin spun off their wholesale > division ? If so, do they just mfg. and sell out of the 1 location ?>>> R.I. surfer…don’t really know,I surf regularly with some of the Katin team members locally.I’ll ask…I don’t have much contact with the shop anymore,but they still give me a retail discount…(10% I believe).I should ask the owner if he still has the water color paintings that I gave Nancy.Seems I remember framing them with some school award frames,and I neglected to remove the award certificates.Herb.