Anyone interested in a bit of history might like to know Fall Line is up on YouTube
Fall Line Nat Young and Wayne Lynch
Parts 2 3 4 and 5 are in the suggestions bar .
Anyone interested in a bit of history might like to know Fall Line is up on YouTube
Fall Line Nat Young and Wayne Lynch
Parts 2 3 4 and 5 are in the suggestions bar .
Saw it on my home beach when Nat brought it around. That bit with Wayne Lynch and Nat jumping off the rocks really stuck with me as a grom. I remember thinking Nat was surfing better than Lynch in that sequence.
groovy maan
thanks nuclear
'A day in the life of Wayne Lynch' [on dvd with tubular swells] , also features this footage ... jack mccoy and nat young working together ???
Yes Noel,
THE JUMP................ CHRIST the jump !!
How far was it ??
And they jump/fall at least 10 or 15 yards into the boiling maelstrom right at the base of a cliff while 10 ft waves pound in, Nat nearly gets smashed.
You can see in in the first minute or so of Part 2.
Thanks for the link NuclearFission.
Remember how we all used to hoot at surf movies. When they jumped off that cliff…the room that had been loud was totally silent. Few scenes have affected me like that one in my early grom years. Heavy even by today’s standards. The highlight of that Fall line tour was watching Nat tell of of the better east coast surfers of the time and local legend his feet were too small for him to be a world class surfer. He and BZR are still friends I think. Damn I miss the 70’s sometimes. Surfing in cut offs, no surf clothing lines and movies showing stuff you rarely even heard about in magazines.
I think I remember Nat saying in his autobiography that the jump scene was staged - i.e . they weren’t actually surfing that place - to throw people off the scent or for dramatic effect , who knows.Pretty hairy any way you look at it.
He said he was irate with Jack McCoy cos he hired McCoy to film for him then McCoy used the footage in his own movie …
that ‘Day in the Life’ filmlet had a huge impact on me at 17 , the overgrown shack , the taking off with a mate early morning to go surf smoking waves , the gladiator like riding - I wanted that life.
Imagine a remake of fall line now - wing suit flying , now there’s a fall line for ya !
Even if staged, in that part of Oz are waves that are even more diifficult to access. After 3 attempts I found one spot only to be greeted by 80’ sheer cliffs. I found some other place with two guys out and no way could I see how they got in/out. No boat was involved. Then there is a place with a rock tunnel and another spot I went to three times and couldn’t find the surf despite knowing where it should be.
Meanwhile on the week-end my son called out that there was surfing on the tv. It was a recent pro-contest at Huntington in sectiony sort of waves with 100s on the beach and some young guy talking strategy. I had to walk away. I know where I’d rather be.