natural art fish by Greg Loehr

I put these pics in the photo archives with the dimensions and a lil story about how I got it. Won’t bore you again with that, but someone suggested posting in the forum so everyone could see. Here it is.

How old is the board?

Don’t really know. I got it from a guy in FL two years ago. He put the leash plug and traction pad on it before he even rode it. Under the traction pad are the initials G.L. He said one of his childhood friends got it for Christmas, played with it in the pool and unfortunately passed away before ever taking it to the beach. It sat in a garage until two years ago. I took it to the Natural Art shop in Hatteras and the woman there knew when it was shaped and glassed and by who, but I really can’t remember any of it. I was hoping Greg could take a look at it. Like I also said in the description of it in the archives, it is approximately 5’6"x17.5"x22"x17.5"x2.75"x12.5 @ tips. Pale yellow resin tint with yellow rails and white and very fine black resin pinlines. Overall condition 8-9. I also have a baby blue one nearly identical to it, same condition. I have just made an eps replica of this one, so the twins will probably be relegated to templating and wall hanging from here on out. I will post better pics when I get my camera back from my girlfriend who has it in Peru right now. I know, I know but someone has to work. Thanks as always for everything.

oh yeah, ya’ll probably knew, but its PU and polyester. Pre-epoxy.

Oh my. Where did you dig up that relic? That’s 1975 or 6. Before NA put the box around the label. Not to bad for 30 years old. East Coast Foam. Loved riding those things. From memory the measurments are about 17X21X17.

thanks , Will , for posting it here !

can we see the keels side on , please ?

And , thanks for the info Greg !

cheers !


“…from memory those measurements are…”??? I can’t remember what I had for breakfast. I can’t remember where I laid my pencil. I can’t remember where I was going with this.

I can remember 30 years ago just fine. Don’t EVEN ask me about breakfast.

The woman you talked to was most likely Carol Busbey. She and her husband Scott are the owners. They are originally from Cocoa Beach and started Natural Art along with Pete and Debbie Dooley. They moved to the outer banks in the early 70’s and have been there ever since. There was a lot of innovation going on between them, the MTB and the Quiet Flight crew back then.

Hey SS,

I have board by Scott under his current label ‘In the Eye’. He started Natural Art boards?

Would make sense considering the name of his store.



Hello Herb- Scott did not really start Natural Art per se. Like many of the area surf shops they really started as a bunch of high school kids making boards in their parents garages. In the late 60’s and early 70’s it seemed as though every neighborhood in CB had a gang shaping and glassing and generally making a mess. So shops like NA and others really kind of evolved from those garage origins. It was a lot of fun back then.