natural curves

Western Landscape, seascape, surf artist, surfer Larry Iwerks pulls out the big wave board from the old Santa Cruz days. Behind the collection of Santa Barbara Yater’s, the Lance Carson model, was this timeless beauty by Steve Coletta.

Is Larry related to Ub Iwerks, the famous animator and creator of Mickey Mouse?

When I lived in Santa Cruz (early 80s), I formed the opinion that Coletta’s boards were easily a cut above anything else I’d seen, locally. Unfortunately, his wait list was so long I wasn’t in a position to order from him. Every thing about his boards was top notch. The curves, the glass jobs, and the color work. At that time, he was using a dolphin logo.


Is Larry related to Ub Iwerks, the famous animator and creator of Mickey Mouse?

When I lived in Santa Cruz (early 80s), I formed the opinion that Coletta’s boards were easily a cut above anything else I’d seen, locally. Unfortunately, his wait list was so long I wasn’t in a position to order from him. Every thing about his boards was top notch. The curves, the glass jobs, and the color work. At that time, he was using a dolphin logo.

Yeah, Grandson.…rn-white-house-tree/

Larry was influential in enacting the California Desert protection act

Local Oak Group Painter

Sister Leslie Two time academy award nominee

Documentary “The Ride” Laird & Dave Kalama

Larry’s 7’ 4" pintail

1975’ Renny - original Greenough flex fin

on the kitchen floor w/ Larry, Steve Coletta, Butch, and Yater.

Rincon Indicator

I have deep admiration for your abilities with water colors. I could never get them to work the way I wanted. that is why I use oils :slight_smile:

that Rincon Indicators painting is something else. i’d like to see a thread on surf art like that. ( gonna go search it now)

Cool stuff Skip !

Thanks for sharing !