Has anybody here shaped for Natural progression out of santa monica or have any knowledge about? I am in need of a little info on a board . it’s serial number is 87-300 and to the left of that is 3 dots in a triangle, it also has 3 little cat paws drawn on the foam on each side of the stringer ahead of the fin box, that look exactly like da cat paws on a greg noll dora model. I have read that natural progression shaped a few boards for dora , just curiuos and not looking to unload the board just its shaper(robbie dick?). any help is much appreciated. will post a pic of the paws tomorrow.
Robbie Dick has a shapeing room in the back of Scott Andersons factory. Been seeing a fair amount of his newer boards around Malibu lately.
Yeah, it’s Robbie…I have in the past,aquired a few of his boards and rode them…he’s a great shaper and his boards surfed really well.
If I’m not mistaken Chris Cahill was shaping for NP towards the end of their run. I always loved that shop with the view of the point. It was also the most apt name for a surfboard company.
Yes. you are correct but Robbie held the raines for the most part.I’m sure there were several others in the shadows from time to time as well.
That’s nothing new to you or this industry,I’m sure.
I still have one of their cotton canvas board bags w/ the label screened on it.I had Robbie sign it,but as time would have it,it’s falling apart rather fast after like 30 years.
I learned to surf on a Natural Progression board (82-302); it has the same paw-prints and dots as mentioned in the original post. I was always curious about the shaper. The board was left behind when a friend (the original owner of the board) moved back to Malibu from Maine.
Does anyone know what the 82-302 designation represents? Does “82” represent the year in which it was shaped?
It was the 302nd board built in 1982,I believe.One of mine was just as you describe it ,but it was 81-167 ?/numbers may have been different + it accompanied a sig R.Dick.
That was shaped by Coyote i believe, he was a Brazillian shaping for Natural Progression. I had one of his boards.
Well this isn't 2006 and I heard that Robbie Dick was in the Northwest. Maybe the Gorge.
PS--------------Some of the best boards of that era/time frame were being put out by NP. Also some of the best music ever was coming out of "The Canyon" and Sunset Blvd at that time. Buffalo Springfield, The Byrds, Flying Burito Bros, Poco etc. etc. By the time The Eagles and Fleetwood Mac came along Natural Progession was "already gone".