Neal Purchase Jr. Quartet

Everyone has their own theory on quads.  Just read about NPJ quartet quads. Seems he has quite a different way of doing them. Here’s what he has to say.

Has anyone tried one?

After some interesting times on twinnies, (the San Diego D’s and the MR kind) I started to try and compensate for lack of control or sometimes tracking, other times spinning.

The D’s went double foiled and felt do-ey , then tried single foiled and they tracked cause of the long base, good for high-lines. Pavel does some good ones and has designed the Canard Quad for this reason. Rode a good MR twin of Luke Egans, MR would have to have the design worked out. And I believe Akila Aipa’s are great. I just wanted more! and to push harder in bigger waves.

Had been having a lot of success with the Sweet Pea quad( like a Canard), so I moved the MR 78 fin up to 10 1/2 and added 2 small rear fins at 6 1/4, both single foil, ( clustered around where the twin was) with the theory of heaps of drive off the rail with the front big fin and about half the drive from behind, giving a natural squirt release and no tracking. A reversed Larry Mabile Twinzer I guess.

Noosa’s Josh Gunthorp rode one before me (a 5’6 x 19 3/4 x 2 3/8) and his first wave said it all. Now Noosa is full of em. The result is The Quartet, good in ALL conditions, I surf faster, carve harder, and get way deeper. Ha! My knees are actually sore from the G’s goin’ thru carves. No spinning at all.

After two years now of constant development, the Quartet has settled into a groove! Enough said!

Interesting, I’d like to see pics of a board to get an idea of the placement…

NPJ  RIPS from what I’ve seen…

thanks for sharing

no tracking seen

just wait till NPJ does this


You don't say ham, you say SPAM!

Send a pair up to me and I’ll write up an honest evaluation for fellow Swaylockians…I’m a willing test pilot who likes anything out of left field.


Keep in touch after production that sounds good to me sending a pair to you for testing.

May be I need some method to get in touch with you as it is still a while away before production.

Thank you


It seems from looking at you the photo that the hand turn screw holding the  wing would stick out and cause turbulence.  I don’t like stuff for free becuase I don’t like to ‘owe’ anything, but if you give me a reasonable price I’ll give it a try.  I ride twins and quads, mostly.  Mike

Hi it is a counter sunk screw and does not stick out.

Think of it like this all fin boxes have screw that dont stick out do they cause turbulance?

Mine does not stick out there is no turbulance.

Thank you for you comment

how do I start a thread of my own about matter of my fin so people can come and post negative or positive comments

Thank you



At the moment production is a few month away.

You would need to leave me your email add or some way of contacting you for when it goes on sale.

May be send me a private message. I can contact you there.

There are other from here that wish to receive one as well all from here are receiving it at cost price plus postage.

Thank you


Even though the fin is made in a pair it can be set up how ever any one wants quad, five fins, 6 fins, twins. There are no rules it is about experimentation innovation. Mix and match there are a lot of people here who love to experiment.

Thank you

saw a couple of neal’s boards on the solace blog…on the daily shaka…got intrigued…

switched my mini simmons and my 6.8 double bump…both jim dunlop mystics…

wow…big jump in performance and control… 

are you saying the mini Sims doesn’t work as well as the dbl wing round pin?


good lord no…where did  you to get that?

the mini sim…worked well asa twinzer, and keels, in small medium surf…better as a regular quad

in bigger stuff…but with the quartet…seems to make steeper stuff easier, and accelerates …more…

and the 6.8…i really couldnt get a handle on…quad…controllers…thruster, twin plus trailer…seemed to be getting better…then this…much more control in bigger stuff…and really wants get covered…

they each excel in different conditions…its just that with the quartet…seems to have brought out some untapped 

strengths…in each

Think the quad set up mini maybe something!  All me’s (MS) seen have been singles and really wonder what the hell?  Just as primative as what was tested in da early 70’s Pix, Da “Kid with braces”


f@*k yeah! those…

and neal was awesome and offered good insights…

ya know i noticed that after the first two rides…

and i have a bum rt knee…scoped last year…probably need a tkr …someday…

however, i ve been doing some surf specific workour(lifting…surf stronger…and chris mills type of stuff)…especially rev lunges…squats…and that has helped…alot…especially in messy conditions…

figures…put a bigger engine in…better reinforce the frame…

Home made version 5-11. With a single concave
My favourite board at the moment