I’m supposed to be doing a very small ding repair for a guy here in alaska. I ordered the necessary supplies from fiberglasssupply three weeks ago, and have been patiently waiting for them to arrive.
Today I emailed to check on my order, and it turns out that the stuff “can’t” be shipped to alaska, and so they canceled my order after supposedly attempting to call and inform me (they didn’t). This is the only less-than-great experience I’ve had with them in 3 years of dealing with fgs, so I’ll give them a pass on this one.
But I still need the stuff!
Can anyone help me out with some very small amounts of gloss resin, styrene and MEKP? I only need like an oz or two of the gloss, and corresponding amounts of the styrene and MEKP to fill this shatter.
Maybe a couple of well-taped and bagged film canisters?
I can paypal you whatever you think the materials, shipping, and time is worth to you, I just need to do it soon!
Thanks guys, I have full faith in my community helping me out in time of need.
I’d be spooked about shipping those types of chemies but I have another suggestion. With all the boats up Alaska way, you’d think there would be a fiberglass supply/boat repair supply place in-state. If they’ve already got the material there, it might be easier for them to ship. Seeing as how it’s not an across state boarders shipment. Heck, if you’re near the coast, you might be able to pick it up.
I did think of that, ryan, and you’re right about the boats. There’s no shortage of fiberglass and resin up here, but absolutely no call for (or supply of) surfboard finish-quality resin.
One kind soul here did volunteer to help me out though, so fingers crossed!
get the stuff they use to fix cracks in car windsheilds, or use thinned 5 min epoxy with a couple of coats of laquer.
I have some old PU gloss resin laying around, haven’t used the stuff since I switched to epoxy about a year ago so I think its probably past its best,
If you still need some I’ll check if its still any good, you’re welcome to it. I’d be happy to post it, but it could be a gamble as to weather it would get through customs.
The main problem is that this is a brand-new gloss-and-polish board that was damaged in transit, and the owner wants it to look as close to perfect as possible, so I’m trying to avoid using any shortcuts that would potentially leave a non-glossy patch in an otherwise mint board.
If it was my own, I’d just slap any ol’ thing on it. Case in point, my compsand bonzer fell over and met my bicycle at the rail. 5min epoxy and done.
Edit again: 5-minute epoxy takes tints fine (which hide the yellowing). Looking at the other thread, I’d probably sand it back, tint some 5-minute epoxy, stretch plastic over it for a smooth repair, and finish up with 3-4 coats of rattle can gloss. At least, in the spot where red turned to white. Everywhere else, sand it smooth & rattle can it.
I’m happy to send you a little red tint canister - I’m not worried about that being kicked out for toxicity.
Yep, it’s the creme still. Actually benny, that sounds more involved than what I was hoping to do. I was just going to hit the spidercracks with some superglue, then open the main crack just a tiny bit with a razor knife so I could get some styrene in there. Thin some resin out with the styrene, flow it into all the white stuff, then scrape flush against the gloss, maybe polish it out if there is a need. I’m trying to get away with the least amount of “new” material on the surface that needs to be faired and polished.
If it’s a small ding, you could try ordering one of those Ding-All kits from some random surf shop/ surf accessories supplier online. They might not be as concerned about the shipping issues since it would probably fit in a small cardboard box anyway. Just a thought.
Why couldn’t you do it with RR epoxy? I think that can be shipped. Im sure that someone here has the quanities that you need. I have some, but it’s 3 years old. if you really need it let me know.
I’d go the rattle can, then. I doubt its structural, and agree with you about not putting on anything that has to be sanded back off.
Mask off, sand with 220, rattle spray, sand with 220, spray, sand with 400, spray, steel wool, spray, pull tape, polishing compound. Done that drill many, many times
Howzit Shwuz, I know you can order finish resin for boats and it’s basically the same as for boards. Ask at the marine supply if they carry it. Aloha,Kokua