need dimensions

This might sound alittle weird to some people cause it does to my friends… well Im 16 and I absolutely LOVE Single fin short boards. I was recently watching Riding Waves and that CI single that rob was riding, and man did it look fun. So I was wondering if any one can give me some dimensions for the CI single (5’9-6’0) or something that resembles it. I need the thickness, width (mid, nose tail), rocker, and rails (such as - 50/50, tucked, 60/40, etc). If someone could grab those for me Id be really stoked, cause I cant find any in the surfshops near me.


where do you live?? i can’t imagine that there isn’t a surf shop within driving distance that doesn’t have an MSF on the racks.

San Diego… sadly I cant find any the size I need :(.

just take a measurement from the center, 1 foot off from the nose and tail, and if you want, take another one 2 feet off from the nose and tail. measure the thickness. and do the rest from memory. make it whatever size you want.

i wish you had posted this last week. just a few days ago on eBay someone sold a 1 year old MSF in San Diego for $150.

I was just in SurfRide in Solana Beach this evening and they have a 6’0" MSF G2 there I think. I know I saw a 6’2" and there was a couple shorter ones next to those. I’m looking at something in the 6’6" range so I didn’t pay too much attention to the shorter ones…

14.5" tail

20" middle

14" nose

Wide point is a few inched towards the nose

Depending on how much you weigh will determine thickness. I shape my singles with more bulk in the middle and also on the tail. For that size I’d go just under 3" thick in the middle. Tail thickness, like I said…keep it it thick, maybe 2" or a hair under. The nose can get thinned down a little. Never really measured, but for that size, I’d go 1.25"

Rocker…minimal. Maybe some slight kick in the nose…but pretty straight. I add some vee in the tail. A term used on the oder single fins is “S” rocker cause when you look at the rocker profile and deck foil it makes a very subtle “s” shape.

I have shaped a softer version of a modern downrail going into a 60/40 and had luck with that. I try to keep them boxy and full as possible…especally if you make the board narower.


Hey Newshaper,

here they are…

6’9" x 21 x 3

6’5" x 20.5 x 2 7/8

6’1" x 20 x 2 5/8
