Need FCS Twinzer fins

Hi ,  apparently FCS Twinzer fins are hard to come by.  Looking for a set to replace old / current fins set.  See photo with dimensions.  The smaller one is 3.25" tall.  Thank you.

I believe FCS stopped making them.  They are LMT…contact Larry Mabile directly and Mica may be able to ship a set to you.


gbwatts3, you could try molding a set ? if youre in Australia Id happily make you a set ?

I have Twinzer fins that I had made for me. They are now in resin transfer.

Sean Mattison sells them on his website:


I am super keen to get my hands on some Twinzer fins…

As I just ordered a Twinzer…lol

I tried Sean Mattison, but he refunded my payment, guess he didn’t want to ship to Australia…

I also sent an email to Rich (Halcyon), but he may be distracted and/or somewhere warm for the SC winter (I should hope so, I know how the swell dries up in the Summer months up there, as I used to live just North of SC)…

So… does anyone have any suggestions for Twinzer fins?

(I’ll try to see if I can catch Larry Mabile I guess… on the phone) 



Rainbow fins makes the best fins.





I’m gluin’ & grindin’ again.

Seems I make more Twinzer set-ups and twin fins than anything else these days.

Still and one man custom shop.


Stay Stoked, Rich


Thanks Rich for your reply, I just messaged you…


I’d be keen to see about getting some of your famous Twinzer (FCS) fins sent down under…