So, after a long time, board is done, to your specs exactly
no ride report yet
but the guy surfing it can provide us with a very good one
homeblown in uk sells these blanks now, and in portugal they are sold too, BioFoam
shapes nicely, but this trial version had uneven density
ended up nicely, looks like a yellowed poly blank, but it is all RR resin
Prepping the rattle can spray thingy [mal in dutch]
will use plastic next time!!
the paper bends up with the wet paint… bummer
and the removable glue by 3M also stuck on the board, had to remove it, quite delicate job, with the paint work butting up against it.
learn and live, but surf mostly
by now, Bufo is big in US but he wants to return home to Europe
sold the paige board to raise funds for more making boards [that is broke also]
o, i learned that to get the best result, pre-resin the blank!! did not do it on bottom, which turned out a bit hazy, airy, whitey
deck got a sealer coat of epoxy, and came out better than great!
THANKS!!! i love swaylocks, the mentality behind it is great.