Need Help Dating this McCoy...

I am not real familiar with McCoys- Im thinking this one must be more modern, but can someone help me put a born on date on the board?- The Length is 5’4"- serial # is 3959- Interesting how, unless its a nugget,its sort of hard to tell if the board was made last year or back in the Late 70s early 80s- I imagine the little logo on the Tail on the deck is the giveaway- Some one clue me in!

I’m guessing early eighties…but I know he’s been in a bit of a time warp so I could be twenty years out!

Beautiful board. I’d also say early to mid-80’s due to the needle nose. Nose and tail outline are classic!

The nose does not look like a Pautsh, but if Geoff shaped it it would have his signiture on it. I am guessing that board to be made about 1978 -1980. Probably a Pautsh. Greg likes to use good size twin fins for his twinnies. They work unreal. Pautsh is one of the greats.

Notice the minor amount of toe-in…works great!

Fin sizing can easily be up to 8" if you like that feel.

Those silly 5"ers of the early '70’s guaranteed you NO power moves!

when you said dating this McCoy I thought u ment his sister…who is married…so there is no dating there…looking at what you ment the board…im not sure either it looks like 80 model as the wings were starting to disappear…replaced by a accelerated curve…

Hey- Thanks for the words on the Little McCoy Twinie- Forgot to mention that its not signed- It does look suspiciously like one of the boards a few of my buddies used to ride in the early 80s, which were Greg P. McCoys. (Actually, I do remember paddling a gromet aged Jamie Brisick out to solid 6 to 8 ft Overhead Reef in Ventura. I think he was riding something similar to this, but maybe a single fin- Was not the right sort of vehicle for that particular day!) This particular board came from a flea market today, and was to clean to pass up- Does any one know when McCoy started using the Little 4 colored logo on the tail of the board?- Thanks, and promise I’m not a McCoy family stalker!

I’m sure the pin stripe , either applied with resin or airbrushed on would have

some dating relevance for either the US or Australia.

Pinline is airbrushed-

I cant date it, but it seems that most or all pinstripes were applied with resin through the

70’s and later, I’m not sure what happened later on, but there was a definite shift towards all airbrushing

of these on at some point.

Maybe someone else could be more helpful in this area.

Didnt McCoy have a shop presence in Huntington Beach in the early 80’s or earlier

pushing the Lazor Zap design??

…I wonder how many shapers…then , and even today…actually WRITE years on the stringer ?

It would help, I think.

Maybe, with today’s wafer thrusters, you’d have to write a month and a year … so you could see if a board had made it from ,say, January to the next January !

I can’t imagine too many of today’s boards being in the sort of condition this one is in after ten or twenty years time…IF there will be any 2004 model thrusters around at all , even FIVE years from now !

Nice board Steve ! A very good score indeed ! How does it ride ?

( If you don’t mind me asking, how many $USA does a board like that go for in a “flea market” ?)


Mccoy dates customs. He has always used that little colored X as far as I know. Yes Mccoy was a shop in HB.

that little tail logo was definatly in place by 83 , i was working for a company who was building those boards under liscence in 83 most were thrusters and some single fins , no hips or flyers , tight blended tail curves , and the bum tail was prevalent …

at first glance 78 to 80 …

i remember new boards from 77 that had full airbrush tape up artwork under the glass , i fixed an old farrely from 70 that had a combination of airbrush colour and resin pinline …

ive never seen that Mc coy logo before , that gives me the impression of late 70s may be 80 /81 ???

good score im jealous…



Thanks for the additional info guys- I did not remember the little logo on the tail that early on McCoys, but then again, I don’t remember a lot of things… The board does have a couple of little chips at the tips of the Butt tail, easily repaired. There are very faint sticker shadows on the bottom of the board (I hate it when I find a cool board that was covered with awful stickers), really minimal fading though(actually looks worse in my pics). The price was a steal (about the cost of three trips to Mc Donalds!), and it came with a well worn Mini Prolite International Travel Bag- Definitely the reason that it stayed so clean. As for how does it work- My days of surfing a 5’4" have long passed! (“A mans got to know his limitations”) Maybe my soon to be three year old son will give it a whirl in a few years!- The Logo is really cool- Looks like really fine ink line work- Pics dont really do it justice-

                         Best to all-