Need help identifying vintage shortboard "BF Flyers"

Hi ,I have looked around online and have been unable to find out any info on a board I recently got . logos say “BF flyers”- no other marks/logos. Thruster fin setup with glassed in side fins with box center fin. 5"11 x nose 12"x tail 15"x mid 19.5" very thick throughout. Pictures:

More pictures available if you would like. Any identification help would be apriciated Thank You.

Looks like B.F. Flyers, not B7 Flyer, but still nothing comes up in a google search, so with no other clues, I’m wondering if it might be a homemade board - looks well made, hope it works for you.

Hi thanks for the reply I was going with B7 assuming it was a german style 7 but like you say still no hits with that either. Its definitly well made/Shaped reminds me of boards I had in the early 80s

2 things, one is compare it to the F in Flyers, the other is the period after, that wouldn’t be there on a number, only on a letter.

Maybe someone will come along with some info, but meanwhile enjoy the board, looks like an older board in remarkably good shape

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Hi ,yes all valid points you make, much more reasonable than my initial read.
Thanks again for your help

Great looking board! It wouldn’t be from these guys? Redirecting...
OR I read that Bruce Fowler “goes/went” by BF? Maybe it’s worth investigating that angle?

Hi, Great ideas/lateral thinking. The BF surfboards guys you mention first are a fair bit too young to have made the board (1980s) and Bruce Fowler seems to have used a different logo on his boards .He may have used a different logo in the 80s when the board was made but all examples of his work I can find have "Fowler "on them hard to date them however.
I will contact him but it seems unlikely.
Thank you for your help
*Swaylocks community Please keep the suggestions coming!

Yeah it’s a long shot but you never know till you ask!
I got lucky and tracked down the origins of a couple of boards I rescued from the dump (tip). One was a brand that still kind of exists. I got hold of them and asked if they knew what era it was. It didn’t have numbers or anything but the shaper came back and told me it was 1974 built for (cant remember the name), he was from Western Australia!!! It’s always satisfying to track that sort of stuff down. I have another dump rescue board that I have no info on and it’s frustrating, everytime I ride it people ask about it and I have nothing!!!

I noticed Mike Paler has presented the question to Instagram via the Swaylocks account, hopefully it will reach a wider audience, maybe get some comments.

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Perhaps it could be one of Brian Fredericksen‘s old shapes. He used to shape for Sunset surfboards and worked in a few surf shops around the San Diego area. Last I heard he was working at SurfRide in Solana Beach.

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this seems a possibility…

288 - Sunset Surfboards: Ed Wright and Brian Fredrickson - Surf Splendor (

Hi and thank you all again for helping identify my mystery (at least for the present!) board. Brian Fredrickson looks like a good bet but I cant find a good contact for him .He retired from sunset surfboards and the folks at Surfride in solano beach didnt have a contact email/phone etc . any thoughts of how to contact him?
Thanks Again ,Brian

Maybe you can contact him on LinkedIn

Brian Fredrickson | LinkedIn

Since you haven’t found much information online, it could be a smaller or lesser-known brand. However, the dimensions you provided give some insight into the board’s characteristics:

  • Length: 5’11"
  • Nose Width: 12"
  • Tail Width: 15"
  • Midsection Width: 19.5"
  • Thickness: Described as “very thick throughout”
  • Fin Setup: Thruster (three fins), with glassed-in side fins and a box center fin

Given the dimensions and the thruster fin setup, it seems like this board might be designed for versatility and stability, possibly suitable for a range of wave conditions. The thickness throughout the paddle board suggests it may have good buoyancy and paddling power, which can be beneficial for beginner or intermediate surfers. However, without more specific information about the brand or construction details, it’s challenging to provide further insights. If you’re curious about the board’s history or characteristics, you might consider reaching out to local surf shops or online forums where surfboard enthusiasts gather—they might have more information or be able to offer their opinions based on similar boards they’ve encountered.