need help making a beautiful surfboard

Hi, need some help making a great looking surfboard.

Have fast hardener + 2020 RR + 6lbs/ft3 ((30kg/m3)) EPS blank + microballoon mayonaise mix + opque yellow epoxy tint (banana yellow)


Make a BEAUTIFUL yellow tinted opaque bottom/rail + black pintstripe over the border with the clear white top.

  • Do you guys let the micro’balloon/epoxy mix hard out completely and then do a 320-sand ?

I understand bonding is not the best on a fully cured smoothed surface. how to work wet in wet attaining my goal?

  • Should one mix yellow opaque in lamination or in the gloss coat? Or does a clear gloss coat look better, since the yellow is opaque?

Thanks for your precious time.


glass right over the microballoons while still tacky.

color in the lam.

but…6 lbs. / cu. ft. ???..a little heavy, no???

Thank you soulstice, so i can tape the still tacky coat?! i reckon that it is a yes.

6lbs is pretty heavy, but for the conditions and the surfster it is actually a good thing

Cheers again

no…tape BEFORE you seal. tape your cutlap line on the deck, then seal bottom, glass bottom while seal still tacky, cheater coat while lam still tacky. flip when cured. cut laps. grind laps. flip again. tape off your cutlap on the bottom, then seal deck, glass deck while seal still tacky, cheater coat while lam still tacky. flip when cured…cut laps…et cetera…