Need help with dimensions...

I need some help finding the right dimensions for shaping my first board. I currently ride a 10’6" x 24 1/2" width x 16" tail x 20" nose that is 3 5/8" thick. I like the float and the fact that I can get out to the nose at 250 lbs. but I would like to shape something around 9’6". (Give or take due to floatation requirements of being 250). How wide can I go before it will ride like my current slug? I know I won’t nose ride with it, so I would like it to almost act like a hybrid with some xtra float. Thanks in advance…

Try checking out Harbour’s website. They have some size charts for the different models and you can get a better idea from there. A friend of mine told me that for every 2" of length you can cut 1/8" of thickness (or width if you’d like to have more performance). I also saw a formula on Bruce Jones’ website that you can figure out how much volume you will need for your weight. Anyone know of a place with a volume chart to play with the dimensions to figure how well a board will float? Maybe try finding an egg size chart and ask what one would be for 250. Good Luck with it -Jeff

Big B. I would try to stay as close to the dimensions that you are used to,unless you don’t like your 10’6. If you are going shorter, I would not go to much thinner,but it all depends on how well yor 10’6 floats you.If you just want a more maneuverable board, I would use a 10’3 Edwards blank with 10’1Y bottom centered.This is a very thick blank that will give you plenty of area to work with.These dimensions should work:191/2 N,24W 15T.At least 3 5/8 thick.Try the 10’1Y or 9’9 also,but to get the thickness you want,you can’t do much to it.Good Luck.TEDK.