need help with surftech cosmetic? repair

My surftech veneer spent last year in a freight container in north Florida. When I pulled it out of storage there were two cracks that appear to be in the gloss coat only.  These cracks could have been made with an exacto knife though no-one else has access to the container.  What I suspect occurred is cracking due to extreme changes in temperature on a daily basis (yes we get below freezing and very hot over a matter of a week or two).  Regardless the mechanism, the cracks are there.  These are fine cracks and I can't get e.g. clear nail polish into them.  So my question is who out there has the fix?  Anxiously awaiting  your solutions.  Thanks all.

Smear some wax on it and take it surfing!

If temperature swings are making it crack, I'd add a retrofit vent plug.  Kinda hard to recommend a cosmetic fix on the crack without seeing a picture.  I recently had to make some similar repairs to a white GSI Thailand import, probably very similar construction to surftech.  I found a white epoxy appliance paint at Lowe's that matches very close.  The pic shows the vent plug I added to the GSI board - the wood is part of a repair I did, and there were some air pockets inside that would cause a bit of delam (on the bottom) in the heat.

Thin super glue will wick into the fine cracks.     After cure, rubout and polish.


The Surftech Veneers are prone to cracking because except for small areas at the nose and tail they are gloss coated only.  There's no glass over the majority of the board.  You can sand or grind a small groove along the crack and paint with stryene thinned gloss resin. Wet sand and polish out. You can make them disappear this way.



Jesus, Huck, Bill & Dave; Thank you for your solutions. While the wax fix is quick, is that any way to treat a board I had to buy for Mrs. B #2 and then buy back from her once she was ex-Mrs. B #2.........?  I'm focusing in on super-glue or enlarging scar enough to apply styrene-gloss resin.  Thanks again guys.

Sorry no love for surftex here:)

  1. throw in Dumpster

  2. pour lighter fluid on it.

  3. add a dash of seal blubber

  4. light on fire

  5. Be happy you don’t own a piece of crap anymore.


@Jesus; I thought you were based out of the eastern Mediterrainian?  @Jesus & Girvin, i'm not neccessarily a fan of "pre-fabs".  In all liklihood this was a one time deal to help out the ex..  @Jesus......and I've owned two Rob Autrey customs which I have enjoyed over the years so....