Need info. on a Clyde Beatty Jr.Rocket fish,and Greenough Spoon

…I received,as a Christmas gift, a early C.B.Jr. Rocketfish #10281 shaped,and art by a D.Edwards…6’4"ish red tint bottom and rails,black resin pinline,yellow arrow design on the deck,with the label/logo, handmade in ink(not the usual Tiger production label).It also has some nice black outer paneled fins with red and white centers.It’s still is in good shape++,but will need some resto to make it sea worthy again…nice stick,Thankyou Joe Sauter for making my Christmas…ANY information would be greatly appreciated. …Joe also has a near,“in perfect condition” Early Greenough Spoon.This one has a travel box in it,unlike the usual glass on fin.Also,it has a green color mid section,but still translucent for the most part.There’s no labels,numbers,or signatures on it,but I’m sure it’s a Greenough,If not who???..The only other I.D. on it, is two of those cartoon figureheads (from Playboy Mags???)laminated on the top of the deck up by the nose(obviously done afterwards).Has a concaved deck(of course)and the bottom has stepdown rails with concaves running pretty much the length of the board…AGAIN,ANY info.would be greatly appreciated. …As for other gifts,how’s tickets to The House of Blues New Year’s Eve Party,with Billy Idol ringing in the New Year…Hope all of your dreams come true too!Herb

Herb - My guess on the Rocket fish signature is Dean Edwards. He worked in the Pacific Palisades/Malibu area in the 70’s. Have you tried contacting Clyde Beatty direct? He is still in Santa Barbara and should have the skinny on your rocket fish. The spoon may have been by just about anybody - I even made one once. There were at least a couple of underground guys I know of that did a few. I saw an interesting spoon recently that had a glass tunnel glassed around a wire that went from the nose to the tail. The wire can slide through the tunnel and had a little loop at the nose end. It is supposedly a Greenough board and the wire thing was for tripping a camera shutter. I’m thinking it is authentic but only the maker would know for sure. A local shop owner in Morro Bay bought several of Greenough’s original kneeboards from Greenough himself. It is a complete collection representing the evolution of his designs from a balsa kneeboard through Velo and up to a carbon fiber edge board. Needless to say, an authenticated Greenough board is highly collectable.

…Thanks,John I’ll check with Clyde he’ll probably be able to nail it down,can’t wait to fix-er up and ride it.It will be great for the 70s contest they have around here.Another note; it has NO deckplugs or holes in the fins(that’s kind of a rarity in it self). …The spoon could have been built by someone else,but it’s done well,and personally owning a Greenough(later production,more refined)Spoon, I’d say it has a good chance of being an original.Like you said George would have to I.D. it to verify its authenticity.I was just taking a stab at it to see if it rang any bells out there.Herb

Here is a contact for Clyde In S.B.

Clyde says : 1975 they were still making boards with no leash plugs.>>> …I received,as a Christmas gift, a early C.B.Jr. Rocketfish #10281 > shaped,and art by a D.Edwards…6’4"ish red tint bottom and > rails,black resin pinline,yellow arrow design on the deck,with the > label/logo, handmade in ink(not the usual Tiger production label).It also > has some nice black outer paneled fins with red and white centers.It’s > still is in good shape++,but will need some resto to make it sea worthy > again…nice stick,Thankyou Joe Sauter for making my > Christmas…ANY information would be greatly appreciated.>>> …Joe also has a near,“in perfect condition” Early > Greenough Spoon.This one has a travel box in it,unlike the usual glass on > fin.Also,it has a green color mid section,but still translucent for the > most part.There’s no labels,numbers,or signatures on it,but I’m sure it’s > a Greenough,If not who???..The only other I.D. on it, is two of > those cartoon figureheads (from Playboy Mags???)laminated on the top of > the deck up by the nose(obviously done afterwards).Has a concaved deck(of > course)and the bottom has stepdown rails with concaves running pretty much > the length of the board…AGAIN,ANY info.would be greatly appreciated.>>> …As for other gifts,how’s tickets to The House of Blues New Year’s > Eve Party,with Billy Idol ringing in the New Year…Hope all of your > dreams come true too!Herb

Clyde says : 1975 they were still making boards with no leash plugs. …Yeah,that’s about right. Deck plugs were invented by Les Pronier.My brother Ray and myself made the leash cups out of PVC end-plugs,and stainless rod ,back in Les’ shop on Orange av. and 19th st. in L.B.(1975-76).Les would sell them to the industry around here. Many might claim the deck plug as their own,but Les Deserves all the credit. …This Rocketfish might be an eariler model,being it has a HANDMADE INDIA INK label,with signature(not the usual tiger production label). …Thanks…and by the way Clyde’s e-mail is down according to Mike @ his shop.Herb

Actually, Clyde said that leashes were around , but it was taboo to use them, down in his zone. Considered kook cords. So, no plugs, or holes in the fins. Dean Edwards 73-75 I was using shock cord in 1971. Basically, the shop has no computer set up. So, no e-mail. Too bad also. There is a wealth of information around those headquarters. C.B. Wayne Rich, Steve Brom, J.A. . Those guys have some history.>>> …Yeah,that’s about right.>>> Deck plugs were invented by Les Pronier.My brother Ray and myself made the > leash cups out of PVC end-plugs,and stainless rod ,back in Les’ shop on > Orange av. and 19th st. in L.B.(1975-76).Les would sell them to the > industry around here.>>> Many might claim the deck plug as their own,but Les Deserves all the > credit.>>> …This Rocketfish might be an eariler model,being it has a HANDMADE > INDIA INK label,with signature(not the usual tiger production label).>>> …Thanks…and by the way Clyde’s e-mail is down according to > Mike @ his shop.Herb

Actually, Clyde said that leashes were around , but it was taboo to use > them, down in his zone. Considered kook cords. So, no plugs, or holes in > the fins. Dean Edwards 73-75>>> I was using shock cord in 1971.>>> Basically, the shop has no computer set up. So, no e-mail. Too bad also. > There is a wealth of information around those headquarters. C.B. Wayne > Rich, Steve Brom, J.A. . Those guys have some history. …Shock cord???,like the one Jack O’Neill used?..I started using bungee cords in like, 72’,but they were unreliable.When I moved to Hawaii in the early mid 70s, leashes would get your ass kicked. …Deck plugs didn’t come around till much later on…Holes in fins,Putting the string between the tab of the fin and box screw plate,brass eye bolts,stick-its,fiberglass leash loops,these were all before the plug.(ask Steve or C.B. about Les,they should remember him) …I need to go up that way, anyway, to surf some,I’ll try to catch up to the boyz. …Maybe I’ll see you at the West L.A. College Races next year.Olson,Hackett and others hang and watch the demons of downhill.Herb

…Another note; Chicken Deck ,the 2002 world champion G.S. racer, has his “Pocket Pistols” slalom racing skateboards built by none other than Skip Pronier,son of Les Pronier.Herb

…Another note; Chicken Deck ,the 2002 world champion G.S. racer, > has his “Pocket Pistols” slalom racing skateboards built by none > other than Skip Pronier,son of Les Pronier.Herb I wonder if CRSIII is who I think he is?Surf Journalists are a unique breed in my humble opinion Steyck,Kampion,Warshaw,Parmenter and our old friend Paul Gross pretty much rule the roost with their quirky and honest thoughts…Long live the Surfers Journal…anyway…happy New Year.

I’m not Steyck , sorry for the confusion.

I’m not Steyck , sorry for the confusion. No apology necessary CRS.You do nice posts…keep em coming…R.B.

No apology necessary CRS.You do nice posts…keep em coming…R.B. CRSIII-if you are not Craig, it might be wise to post here using another “handle” might avoid legal problems that way.just a suggestion…

CRSIII-if you are not Craig, it might be wise to post here using another > “handle” might avoid legal problems that way.just a > suggestion… Ya man, I’m gonna save up some money, track you down, and sue your ass, for being who you are. But in the mean time … have fun

Hmm, legal problems again. I could change my name.Hmm, legal problems again. I could change my name.>>> Ya man, I’m gonna save up some money, track you down, and sue your ass, > for being who you are. But in the mean time … have fun

I had seen these boards in Robert August shop in the 70s. I am sure he would know. Bruce Jones has a wealth of knowledge, he would know. I have not heard or seen Les Pronier in many years . I still have my LP from 76 .