Need Pictures of Old School Longboard Moves

We are setting up a contest for the March of Dimes. One of the catagories is Old School Longboarding. I need pictures of the following moves to complete the website:




quasi moto (sp?)


head dip

dying cockroach

king stance

And any other old school moves you can think off. Thanks.



Head dip…





… " HEEL, boy !!"

[thanks, Surfer mag]

Man, those moves are wicked! I love the quasimodo!!! Does anybody still do this?

Those moves look like they came out of a cartoon!

somebody post a pic of the allen wrench. that one is fun.

These are the pictures I have found so far. I appreciate all the help. Still need a headstand and any other you want to send me. All old school moves.

A couple more.

“never pet a burning dog”

… take them/ put them out by surfing with them …

Now that is a cool one! I got to try that with my husky some day, he will be the first siberian canine surfer!

Hey! I just found out I do the scooter all the time…right before I fall. :slight_smile:

Seriously, those pics make me want to get a long board. Cool stuff.

Quasimoto/Quasimodo… Does it have another meaning other than the defintion of the surfing move? Mickey Munoz is the claimed inventor - did he name it?

I love the heel pic - really cool.


Herb, It’s the name of the hunchback, scoliosis afflicted, politically incorrectly insulted character of Notre Dame fame and semi-recent Disney reincarnation. Gil

Ah-ha! The lightbulb clicks on… Thanks Gil…

But now I think it should be renamed…


We felt that all longboard contest here in Virginia Beach had changed to a nose riding event instead of an actual Longboard event. When we were approached to do this charity event we wanted to bring it back to the “good” old days when longboarding was something more then just noseriding. Hence the “old school” competition was invented. This contest should be just as exciting for the people on the beach as much as it is for the people doing the contest.

thanks tenover for all the pics!

That sounds like a fun contest, wish I could be there…


We felt that all longboard contest here in Virginia Beach had changed to a nose riding event instead of an actual Longboard event. When we were approached to do this charity event we wanted to bring it back to the “good” old days when longboarding was something more then just noseriding. Hence the “old school” competition was invented. This contest should be just as exciting for the people on the beach as much as it is for the people doing the contest.

thanks tenover for all the pics!

ARE you going to have a ‘fancy dress’ division’ , too ??

[they’re always fun / funny too, I reckon… brings all KINDS of people out for a day in the sun… be sure to get pictures if you do the fancy dress option. I LOVE a good laugh !!]

speaking of a good laugh, check THIS out, at trestles. This guy was a pro downhill speed skateboarder in the 70’s, who obviously didn’t mind ‘mixing it up’ in the water, as well. woohoo!
