Need Rice Paper Print Help SoCal

I am looking for some printing assistance on rice paper. My printer is a compact laptop printer that simply won’t take the paper, even with the 8.5x11 taping secrets. The kinkos had the same problem.

Anybody in the San Fernando Valley that has a printer that can print out a couple of logos for me? I’ll bring a 6 pack of your choice!



how thin is your paper? i know this is not what you are really looking 4 but try thicker rice paper i got some rice paper @ michael’s art store that went right through my printer no tape or anything… hope this may help

I have rice paper and a printer, but I am in SD. PM me if you still need…we might be able to work something out.

Thanks for your offer but I actually screen printed the logo onto the rice paper and used water based ink. Had no bleed through whatsoever! Pics will come once my camera is located.

Very cool. Glad to hear your problem is solved.