Need some help building a wooden longboard fin with clear edges

Dear experts,

I'm trying to build a replacement fin for a 1968 Hanson Powerflex with the hydro-wedge finbox.

For the first attempt Im using a plywood core. So far I have laminated the right thickness of plywood, traced my original "Doyle Pivot" shape fin and cut out to that line. So far, so good. I've read the excellent fin foiling thread and practiced on some scrap. Here is where my plan needs help.... I'd like to have clear epoxy edges but also want an accurate finished shape.

How much should I cut back the wood core to get closest to the right finished shape (or... about how wide will the clear edge be when finished? 

Also... wondering what the layup order for the one side foiled fins would be. I could not find info for a fin foiled on both sides. Specifially how to lay up the glass and the fin rope so I end up with the clear edge.

The info on Swaylocks is super. Appreciate it!

Burt did a really great thread on making ply fins, I think its was turned in to an article in the resourse section?

Leave the edges of the fin blunt to allow room for the rope. glass one side leaving a little room all around the edge for the rope, once dry flip and add the rope and the glass over the over side.

Another way is to build a dam using masking tap and fill with clear resin BEFORE foiling, then glass over once its shaped, but I'd only recomend that with poly as it can be difficult to get epoxy totally clear, with that thickness of resin it can come out milky.



hey jim,

detailed pics & info on what you want to achieve can be found at the fin & glassing sections at

some fin threads there show the fin core material reduced to a smaller outline, say 1/2" or 1/4" less, then foiled accordingly. the finished core is then immersed flat in a molded epoxy resin bath, enough to cover both sides, and once it hardens, the resin-coated fin is then refoiled to replicate your original fin’s halo (clear edge). check it out

= )

oh hey W/W, welcome back!

i owe you, man! check out my nearly-finished HWS -


Best thread on the style of fin you are doing was a post by Austin. Gin clear resin bead. Poly not epoxy I think.

It will be in the archives somewhere.

