Need thoughts on website idea (


Outlines? You will not generate anything worth while. "Sorry" need to be truth full.

Math, numbers, foil thickness, rail profiles, rocker, bottom contours.

Shaping is a formula just as Design is.


I'm not an experienced shaper like yourself.  But it seems to me a good template is first step of a good design.  I think a good template is worthwhile.  I've seen a room full of experienced shapers that were happy to get their hands on a good template.  But Yeah, its not the whole package, just the beginning.  You're right - volume, rocker, foil, rails, fins and fin placement - there's a lot of other factors besides template that make a good board design.

This would be a viable sharing site, don’t know about a moneymaker ( hope so ) but there are a couple of good ideas. JJlam with the rocker profiles and Surffoils with “classic” outline from well known boards.

Outlines of rail profiles that you could print out and use to make rail profile blocks would be neat. I don't know anywhere which has this and I appreciate not everyone bothers with them. But for me it's useful and it'd be good to be able to compare mine to others... I make 3 rail outlines from a finish I'm happy with (@mid and 30% from ends), I use one set or another on every board I make.
There's loads of variables and how you put them together is the art but if you have an outline, rocker and rails that work (and can hold a tool steady) your shape will be rideable



hello hello!


Well, school has it’s grasp on most of my time currently.  It’s heavy on my mind and i have most of my ideas layed out, just need to finalize and send to my web design buddy.  Very close…yet still could be a couple months.  Here’s a teaser.



edit: sorry for the bad screenshot…but you get the idea.  More to come.

Cool. Some constructive criticism on the teaser above. Fill the outlines in with a solid color to give them a bit more contrast against the background. That way it’s easier to get a feel for the overall template design and it’s curves. The thin outlines are hard to see and get a sense of the overall curves/outlines.


Love it! Brian at Greenlight does a great job with something similar. Looking forward to your site going active!

all constructive criticism is definitely welcome!


I’ve toyed with filling the shapes with color.  Actually they do have white fills.  I may just darken the ruler lines behind, but color is definitely on the table.  Keep in mind that screenshot is probably close to 50-60% actual screen size and the outlines will pop.


Regarding Greenlight…i actually didn’t really know they did that before i started working on this project.  I have checked it out though and I really like their site and vibe over there.  I know they have a lot to offer over there too, so i’m hoping a dedicated template site (and more) will have a place.  I think it will.



Hey Otis,

You want spin templates? No problem. They’re on the ‘to do’ list - towards the bottom! haha. We have made several custom masonite templates for our customers at their request. Just let us know if you need anything.



I’d be happy to link our website to yours when it’s ready. Templates would be one less thing on the list! Good luck with it, let me know if you need any input.



Hey jjlam,

Once you get a whole heap of templates cranking you could sort them by size too, so the user can type in what size board they want into a search ie 5’10 x 20"  or 6’1 x 18.5" and up comes a variety of templates relating to those specs.

I’m sure this will be a valuable resource for some and I applaud jjlam’s efforts.  Just keep in mind that for most of us it is the process, not the ending. 

You don’t need to give up on your own designs.  You will be better at the end with a more complete understanding of what you’ve build if you take the time to work it all through.

By all means, use this as a tool to build your understanding, but don’t let it end at using anothers template.  Use it to learn to build your own.

Hey Brian,


Thanks much, will do.



Hi Sparrow,


Yes, good idea.  I think things will start off in categories, no searching.  But later on it may prove more efficient to search a size or within a range of sizes.  Thanks for the feedback.



Hi Everysurfer,


I assure you this site is only meant to be the first steps of a very personal board building journey.  In fact, i hope people download all kinds of templates, mix and match and create something completely unique.  The site isn’t called “Blending Curves” for nothing!  I’m not trying to take away creativity, i’m trying to fuel it.



Hi JJlam,

Mixing and matching sounds like a great idea.  Different tails with different noses, with different rockers.  Each section of the board has a different function.  A great tool for isolation of different board traits.



Started work on the site itself, plan on finishing sometime over xmas break.

Mate I think it is an awesome idea and I absolutely LOVE the logo!

Cant wait till its up and running.


Excellent work !

  Best wishes for its growth and Im sure we'll all be lurking on your site.

another update!!


Ok, I’m getting really excited about this.  I’m also learning about creating a website which has always been on my to do list.


I have all of the templates/outlines up for your viewing pleasure BUT nothing is downloadable yet…still in progress.  I just wanted everyone to see what will be available FOR FREEEEEEE.


Of course there is an option to have me create a custom outline as well.  But i’m hoping i’ve covered a good part of the spectrum with the free options.


Also, keep in mind that each template/outline you see has anywhere from 3-5 different sizes to choose from…those are the pages i’m working on now, which will link when you click an outline.


Because i’m doing this all myself, things have evolved into a very simple, very streamline, no frills approach/design.  I hope you guys and gals can appreciate that.  The resources page will come after i get the outlines up for downloading.


Again, i appreciate your feedback (although i’m not about to make any drastic changes)




Looks great Andy, good work. Lots of good shapes going on. Once it’s fleshed out a little it will be even better. Looking forward to the finished product.