Need thoughts on website idea (

Hi Andy, Im reall excited about your website, theres so much to research about planshapes.

The planshapes will have numerical dims as well as just lines wont it ?

 While we wait, anyone know the variations of width, 12 up and 12 down, of a board 6'2". If not I'll have to wait for Andys website to find out.


The outlines will have height/width dimensions obviously but not tail/nose measurements displayed.  It proved too much trouble to gather all that info for all of the templates i’m making available, unfortunately.  I’m hoping, though, if anyone needs an outline meeting specific dimensions (including widepoint, nose, tail, etc) that they’ll utilize the custom option.  I’m still toying around with how exactly this process will work, but i promise it will be easy, fast and cheap.

How about having a comment box so people can fill in additional information on each template ?

That’s interesting…hadn’t thought about that.  Might be cool to have some user feedback on a specific template.

another minor update…


if you drill down into shortboard A, you’ll see what the final ‘sizes to download’ pages will look like.


Outlines fast easy and … free -

Yeah…to be honest, i’ve actually been considering dropping this idea all together.  I really just want to put up the ones i have and be done with it.  Plus, as you point out, i’m not sure how popular it would be considering you can do it yourself.

This sounds like a great idea! Having a collection of refined templates readily available could save a lot of time and effort for people who want to DIY their own boards. As for pricing, maybe you could offer a few templates for free to draw people in and then charge a small fee for the rest. Customizing templates for a small additional fee sounds fair too, especially if it helps cover your costs and keeps you creating.

By the way, if you’re thinking about a website for this, you might want to check out the Journeya travel agency HTML template. It’s actually perfect for tours and travel agencies, but I think its clean and flexible design could work well for your catalog too. Good luck with your project!

OH wow…blast from the past. Thread is 14 years old and is still active…but very stagnant.

Not in my house! Thanks for creating an amazing resource. I have taken elements of lots of different outlines and blended them with boards I own or have repaired to create my own outlines for potential boards.

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I for one am very appreciative for what blendingcurves put together. I’ve built at least a dozen boards over the years based off of their templates. Short A.

It was a good idea but didn’t need to be a website. He just needed to have an amazon S3 dump of all the files and one web page with every link to them. Any custom work, maybe then a fee made sense.