Hey Y’all…
I designed a new 8’0’’ log on aku shaper… What do you all reckon? Any suggestions? Rockers? I’ve attached a screen shot of the .brd file. Check it out, and let me know what you think! I wanna start shaping this bad boy asap.
Hey Y’all…
I designed a new 8’0’’ log on aku shaper… What do you all reckon? Any suggestions? Rockers? I’ve attached a screen shot of the .brd file. Check it out, and let me know what you think! I wanna start shaping this bad boy asap.
tail appears a bit straight and gunny. suggest increasing to 14" wide. Consider a squash tail, more user friendly for this type of board. If you want to stay with a rounded pin, round the finish so the final curves transition well with the overall template. Seems like a bit excessive tail rocker as well. typical rocker on an 8’0 mini-mail would be 4.5 nose rocker, 2.5" tail rocker.
I forgot to mention… this is my first attempt, so please be nice.
There are two ways to suss out design elements. One way is to copy the boards you like and the other way is trial and error.
If this design speaks to you then just go for it. You’ll figure it out.
Thanks a lot… I’ll take that into consideration. I was thinking the 3" tail rocker was a little too much. What do you mean by the tail being too straight? Thanks again for your input.
22" wide point to 13 1/4" pin creates a ‘straighter’ curve. Good design for big wave boards as they need to grip the wave face. However, way too sticky for small wave boards. Mini-mal’s are all about glide and with the right rocker, release on turns off the bottom and top. A narrow tail kills the glide and release by over anchoring the tail. The mini-mal I pasted below is pretty much what yours would look like with a 14" or so tail - the wider, curvier tail provides much better glide, easier turn release.
Enjoy the build, post some pics…
Thanks icc! I will definitely post pics… I’m looking forward to this one. I’ve only ever done shorty’s before, heaps of them… But not too much experience with anything longer than 6’4". I’m super keen to get into it. I have heaps of designs, now it all depends on cash flow.
Ask yourself some questions on what you want the board to do. is it mainly going to be surfed in Beach Break waves a Point a Reef? What size waves will you be surfing? Will it have 1 fin 3 fins or more? Nose rider or mini glider? maybe a flow style eggish soft rail board? Questions, question, questions.