Set up this carving knife in the kitchen. Had some time to kill, so I sketched it then re-traced it in Adobe Illustrator. I am going to the bathroom right now to get a toilet seat gasket to print it out on. Hope you enjoy this one! Not really into self promotion, just spent a bunch of time on this and wanted to share…
…however I am interested in trading high quality graphics for high quality boards!?! Any compsanders out there need a new look? I can draw anything and love to barter.
Herb…I am so stoked you like the logo. I would like to say that I higly admire your work and you have helped me out along the way (the way being the ability to make and ride my own boards). I am not interested in starting a company or shaping for a living, I just love making boards for myself. As for the logo’s…their just so fun to do.
Your art is unique and visual,that’s just what it takes to make it in the commercial art business.I wish you the best,and thank you for the compliments.Herb