New boards by Tom and Scott

Just want to comment on the new boards posted by Tom and Scott. Tom, really like your fish shapes. Soon as I can, my next board will be a TS inspired fish. And Scott, really liked your board too. It looks great,was it your first? Kinda makes me not want to post any pics of my stuff, everybodys boards look great on here.

Just want to comment on the new boards posted by Tom and Scott. Tom, > really like your fish shapes. Soon as I can, my next board will be a TS > inspired fish. And Scott, really liked your board too. It looks great,was > it your first? Kinda makes me not want to post any pics of my stuff, > everybodys boards look great on here.>>>>>>>>I don’t know if you know it Scott,and Tom S. you guys are THERE!!!NICE BOARDS…If you guys lived closer I’d have you build me a board!!! Time for me to step down,Herb.

Ed: Compliments are welcome but I’ve got to defer it to the real knowledge pool here on Swaylock’s. (including the WebMeister Mike for keeping this going!) From my point of view what you see here is the result of some really talented shapers, laminators and PhD surfboard builders with heaps of the Aloha spirit. Keep in mind these are craftsmen that have thousands of boards to their credit. Doing it day in and day out, with the same needs we all have for some “off time” yet they find time to share some hard earned skills and tips above and beyond their day jobs. I don’t know of any other forum environment where you can find the level of expertise as close at hand or as responsive (damn, sometimes we’re talking an answer as fast as you can type). Want to know what is unique about this community? No matter,who, what or where there is a single common goal here…we’re all looking for another level of enjoyment in our wave riding by making our own craft. It goes without saying we all have similar needs to be on the water as much as possible, hopefully getting barrelled! Clark isn’t geting rich off my habits yet, maybe 15 or so blanks, but it’s added a whole new facet to surfing for me. Ed, welcome to the group and thanks again to those of you who have LOTS more time invested in boardbuilding than I ever will. Tom>>> Just want to comment on the new boards posted by Tom and Scott. Tom, > really like your fish shapes. Soon as I can, my next board will be a TS > inspired fish. And Scott, really liked your board too. It looks great,was > it your first? Kinda makes me not want to post any pics of my stuff, > everybodys boards look great on here.

Tom, I agree completely. I have done 4 boards so far. And the info provided by all the knowledgable and generous folks here has been a huge help from the very first pass of my unskilled planer. I have checked in here just about everyday since I began doing boards back in March, the tips and hints, man you couldn’t buy all this info. The regulars like yourself,Noodle,Herb, and Jim and lets not forget Dale and Sway himself who so unselfishly share info and ideas is just great. This is one great site and my personal favorite!! So, to EVERYONE who contributes, THANK YOU!!! ed

Ed, Herb, thanks for the compliments! I’ve only made 60 or so boards (don’t keep any records) and of those, 10 or 12 since I found swaylocks. What a difference this site made! Makes me wish I could turn back the clock and re-shape few dozen sticks. I’ve never had the opportunity to see a pro shape, just learned from my success and failure. Now because of swaylocks I feel like I’ve been mentored! Yeah, it’s very cool that so many pro shapers are willing to log on after a long day at work and make sure guys like me don’t screw up our next board. A Hundred times, THANK YOU!!! Scott.

…Never step down 'cause YOU are totally “THERE”