New Design for surfboards *PIC*

Hi there, The Surf Industry Manufacturers Association estimates that about 400,000 surfboards will be sold in the United States this year. I invite one and all to be apart of an ongoing testing panel for a new surf design from Australia. I am the designer of a revolutionary new board “revolutionary because its an Aquatic Glider” conventional surfboards are explained to be “surface plaining craft”. The difference between the two is the same as comparing a Kite to a Glider. You can image the advantage the glider has over the kite. It all sounds a bit Kooky but the whole thing is about to come out in the open with this offer. I invite anyone absolutely anyone to try this design for themselves. My intent is to release the information to the general public to build your very own “Aquatic Glider”. This I hope will lead to a widespread research feedback session to evolve this board into further efficiency and refined performance. Please look at the site and consider what an extra 30% more efficiency could do foy you. So if you are interested in trying this board email for your information kit.

fat penguin is back. here we go again.

fat penguin is back. here we go again. To quote my favorite Cubano Ricky Ricardo: “Please 'Splain.” Tanks, Magoo

To quote my favorite Cubano Ricky Ricardo: “Please 'Splain.” > Tanks, Magoo Rice birds. They lay their eggs in the nests of songbirds. Rice bird chicks are bigger and uglier than the other nestlings. Not being able to tell the difference, the songbird parents try to feed all their chicks. But the big, ugly rice bird chick eats all the food meant for the other chicks and they all die. At the end of the nesting season, the songbirds have done nothing but raise some other birds’ chick. Problem is, when they’re done, all they have is a stupid, ugly rice bird.

Rice birds. They lay their eggs in the nests of songbirds. Rice bird > chicks are bigger and uglier than the other nestlings. Not being able to > tell the difference, the songbird parents try to feed all their chicks. > But the big, ugly rice bird chick eats all the food meant for the other > chicks and they all die.>>> At the end of the nesting season, the songbirds have done nothing but > raise some other birds’ chick. Problem is, when they’re done, all they > have is a stupid, ugly rice bird. That didn’t make me wiser at all… And I don’t think it would do well with penguins… bdw. is that the same bird that we have here that say kookoo? regards, Håvard

That didn’t make me wiser at all… And I don’t think it would do well > with penguins…>>> bdw. is that the same bird that we have here that say kookoo?>>> regards,>>> Håvard Uhhh… I think rice birds are outside of your head.