New Dude, first build.

So, I’m building my first board in land-locked North-central Idaho. I lived in Encinitas, CA for a few years back around 1978ish. I was only in jr. high at the time and loved seeing the surfboards at the surf shops there. I never actually surfed, but spent a lot of time at Moonlight Beach boogie-boarding and body surfing. I happened to watch a couple of board building videos and became obsessed with building my own. Attached are a couple of photos of my progress.
I’ve gotten great information from many of the discussions here.

Here’s a different view that shows my convertible sawhorse/surf stands

What are you planning to do with it? Looking good so far.

Looks really smooth! Especially considering the rough blank :slight_smile:

Yeah, Sharkcountry, what to do with a surfboard in Idaho. It’s an excuse to take a trip to Southern California. I’ll give it a test paddling around in the Clearwater River, surely.

The first pic is the rough blank, the others are after considerable sanding. I’m guessing it’ll be better if the deck has more curve to it? It’s currently pretty flat.