new fin design

I am a student currently studying product design. I am looking for a focus for my coursework. I am interested in fin design. I am in need of a company or designer that have an idea in mind that they think I might be able to develop a prototype model, or a current fin design that you think I might need improving to overcome some problems. Then give feedback on my findings. I would be very happy to get a resonce from someone. i hope someone can help me.

I am a student currently studying product design. I am looking for a focus > for my coursework. I am interested in fin design. I am in need of a > company or designer that have an idea in mind that they think I might be > able to develop a prototype model, or a current fin design that you think > I might need improving to overcome some problems. Then give feedback on my > findings. I would be very happy to get a resonce from someone. i hope > someone can help me. Hi Andrew, Tom of Red-X is a knowledgeable as anyone on this site when it comes to fins. If I can be of service I’ll be glad to help. Email me at . Gone Surfin’, Rich

Hi Andrew,>>> Tom of Red-X is a knowledgeable as anyone on this site when it comes to > fins. If I can be of service I’ll be glad to help. Email me at > .>>> Gone Surfin’, Rich Rich, I have been noting Andrews inquieries. But, I’m not sure what I can do for him. Andrew I know you mentioned you were a student and your attempting to do a business project. But, you have not really explained what you can bring to the table. Do you have an engineering background either structural or hydrodynamics? Have you worked with composites? Do you have access to tank testing lab? Or machine shop? Even if I knew the answers to all these questions I still don’t have any specific projects that I could turn you loose on. I can tell you that if you want to successfully try to bring fin system to the market you will need all of these attributes to some degree along with direct feedback from the craftsmen that will ultimatley install them and a very talented and well funded marketing and distribution arm. So while I wish you the very best of luck in your quest, I just don’t have any idea of what any of us can do to help you.

I am not stupid enough to think that I am going to be able to set up some kind of empire selling fins to the world at 17. I am simply in need of some help from a company/designer so that I can link my coursework to an industrial level, by developing a more complex design brief in order to gain more marks.

I am not stupid enough to think that I am going to be able to set up some > kind of empire selling fins to the world at 17. I am simply in need of > some help from a company/designer so that I can link my coursework to an > industrial level, by developing a more complex design brief in order to > gain more marks. Now you’re not giving yourself or seventeen year olds enough credit. Many of todays design evolutions started out as some seventeen year old’s vision of how to make it better. The most recent one that comes to mind is AST with their new resin. You could even go so far as to use Bill Gates as an example in another industry. But, it’s up to you to come up with an idea that you can sell. First you have to sell us what you can do. Then you have to sell your professor that it would be a worth while project. Then you need to prove that you have actually added value sufficient that people would actually spend money to get what you can provide. So far all I have heard is what can we do for you?

Now you’re not giving yourself or seventeen year olds enough credit. Many > of todays design evolutions started out as some seventeen year old’s > vision of how to make it better. The most recent one that comes to mind is > AST with their new resin. You could even go so far as to use Bill Gates as > an example in another industry. But, it’s up to you to come up with an > idea that you can sell. First you have to sell us what you can do. Then > you have to sell your professor that it would be a worth while project. > Then you need to prove that you have actually added value sufficient that > people would actually spend money to get what you can provide. So far all > I have heard is what can we do for you? I feel exactly the same way…I’d like to make you some valid, high performane fins…Maybe a few experimental, but I’m not convinced yet that you’re up to the task… Paul Jensen

I am a student currently studying product design. I am looking for a focus > for my coursework. I am interested in fin design. I am in need of a > company or designer that have an idea in mind that they think I might be > able to develop a prototype model, or a current fin design that you think > I might need improving to overcome some problems. Then give feedback on my > findings. I would be very happy to get a resonce from someone. i hope > someone can help me. I have a design that has been on the shelf for a while. Email me at and I will give you what I have. Dave

Andrew - I don’t have anything to offer in the way of ground breaking fin design. Professor might appreciate a thorough wrap up on history of fin design - who, when, what worked, what didn’t and why. Lay a decent foundation - shows you’ve done some homework and establishes that your idea is, in fact, something new. “Anthony’s board building links” (available right here on Swaylock’s) and (“Pods for Primates”) both have excellent info on fin history. Maybe you can turn us all on to any new developments?

Andrew - Me neither have anything to offer in the way of ground breaking fin design. However if you want an idea for writing a paper on fin design, have a look at They use NASA foils for the fins since those foils are proven effective at high speed in air and claim that those foils work well in water. You could also compare it to mr. Jensens thickfoiled fins. If you could get hold of a test tank, you could even compare drag and flow. More then enough material there for paper. You could even use your finding for a new design. Good luck, whatever you do. regards, Håvard

thank you Håvard, john and dave for some helpfull infomation that i can use in my project!