New high-end planer

Check out our new high-end planer. It’s a beast.


Please call or email if you have any questions.

888-222-8372 / 951-479-0909


is the outlet reversible?

it looks like when you hold it with left hand in the front, the outlet spews right over your arm?

any shaping vids available?

i am sure this one wont get banned by the mods, they are in it too deep!

How much?



Do you have a dealer in europe?I'm shaping with a normal planer and i'm gonna get a pro one.

Around $1200. We are introducing them as a high quality - low quantity alternative to what’s available on the market now and the old stand-by’s like the Skil.

We’ll add more info to our site as it is available. Including more videos of the planers in action. Here’s a info sheet for now.



Yes the outlet is reversible.


Working on some videos. Will post them on Youtube and our site asap.


Sorry for posting in the wrong place. That’s what I get for not reading the rules. I won’t ask for directions either.

We are just getting up and running so no distribution yet. Please keep an eye on our web site for info as it becomes available.

I've had good experience with your 270, and 670 Platinum Twin Drag reels.   I assume the planer is of the same quality.     Is the short bed, as a part, interchangable with the Skil100?    If not have you considered making a short bed for the Skil, for those of us who don't want to cut the original bed?


dang…that planer looks awful nice. I want it, but 1200 might be out of my range…

Nice looking tool.

I once cut the base of a skil and had a machinist friend of mine make a pair of brackets so I could add the piece back whenever needed. It was just a couple of brackets with allen screws. Very simple and worked great.

I think the idea of cutting a base for the original skils is a good idea. All you have to do is copy the original. Easy job for the new milling machines. (At least it seems like it would…I am not a expert by any means).


Hi Bill. Good to see an Accurate fan on here. Yep, same spare no expense quality as our reels. 

We don’t have any immediate aftermarket plans right now for making beds for the Skil.