New Horan Board!

Owing to the fact I actually came out a little ahead this Christmas due to too much work and not enough play,

I treated myself and got this fine item from Solosurfer that arrived yesterday. It’s a 6’4", shaped by Ricky Grigg

and Solosurfer fully hooked me up with a starfin as well. Only thing I couldn’t get hooked up were waves- miserably

small today so I wound up in waist high El Porto mush. Not the best conditions to get a feel for a new board

but even so I’m stoked- it paddles great and when I did get into any sort of wave it felt fast and was insanely

easy to whip around- the thing turns on a dime. The starfin seemed like it might be a lot of fin for the board but didn’t

feel draggy at all, it does collect seaweed nicely though. Luckily I’ll be able to hit a good range of spots over

the next few weeks so it’s going to get a workout. Could not be happier.

That is NICE. What are the dims, and do you have a ton of pics?

Gotta get me one of those fins soon

very nice kirk, its a great feeling when you hop on a new board that goes insane and you just cant believe what youve been missing.

that’s a great pintail noserider that you have there , cap’nn kirk !

…does it have a finbox in the [‘no nose’] , and the ‘tail’ ?



[if the rocker was similar , or “tail kicked” , i would LOVE to ride one of them backwards …i always thought they looked better that way .]

AH HA! A no nose! I knew there was a place out there for them. Please tell us the dims.

Nice one, BTW.


It’s a good board right?

get it in some hollow waves with that starfin for a real eye opener

drop in late and let that boat nose do it’s thing…

I bought the blue 6’8" with stars from Noel last year as a reward to myself as well.

Passing it on to Jarrod now.

But I think it’s Ricky Carroll versus Ricky Grigg (the oceanographer)

I could be wrong though

Consafos, that board looks insane, i’ve been wanting to order one of those for a long time, and i think on the next shipping i’ll arrange from US to Europe i’ll include one of those.

What are the numbers? (width, thickness, etc), what’s your heigh and weight (ok, you can send me the last info by PM)?

I always thought on ordering something short since the board looks so wide, specially the tail, so i was thinking about 6’0’’ or so for my 5’11’’ & 190 lbs. But on the other hand i think Cheyne said he doesn’t really liked those boards on softer waves, and oneula is also talking about using it on hollower waves, so maybe it would be better to have some lenth to hold some power???

I would love an especific thread on this kind of boards having Richy, Cheyne, Solo and others posting their opinions on the size and best conditions…

Congrats for the board Consafos, i’ll be waiting for your review.


Sorry guys, it was late last night when I first posted so not only is the post sketchy, I immediately went to sleep! Dims are 6’4", 12x20x16 and it’s 3" thick. The thickness was the only thing worrying me after I said yes on it but it actually seems perfect- the foil is awesome. I do/will have more pics but I’m not digital so they may take a bit- I’ll try and get a friend with a digi camera to shoot some.

Oh yeah- Solosurfer said he may have some starfins soon- I’d say you guys should get on that for sure- it’s a very fun item.

When I look at the rocker profile of the board in the thread above it reminds me of a single fin longboard rocker only very compressed. Does the tail of the board have that much flip in it?

Aloha, Rich


You are exactly right and I’m an ass- Rick CARROLL not Grigg. Thank god he’s on the East Coast and can’t bitch slap me. The guy is a hell of a shaper and it’s a really nice looking board. As I said the waves weren’t helping yesterday, but I could feel the thing starting to work- it surfed as fast as a fish in the mush and on the one almost decent wave I got I realized even then it was money well spent- it got around a crumbly whitewater section easily, found the face and wanted to go- I’m amazed how awesomely the fat tail/starfin combo makes the board turn though- I’m going to have some fun on this one! That blue board with the flag is really nice- I’d like one with 4 stars though (NZ flag as opposed to Oz), maybe next time…


it’s too new and pretty to have you putting plugs and boxes in both ends! You’re right though, looking at that photo I might have been better off riding it backwards yesterday. Janklow needs to build that thing of his and report back to us.

Long time lurker new poster…

Hi all! :slight_smile:

Ricky Carroll Horans have been one of the best boards (read FUN) to ride. Had to order another. StarFins RULE~~~


4 stars…5, it doesn’t matter it’s all Australia, NZ is just our smaller state with Tassie:)

Here is a pic of Confas. 6’4’’ next to one Cheyne’s actual boards from the late eighties. Thought you guys would like to see the difference.


Long time lurker new poster…

Hi all! :slight_smile:

Ricky Carroll Horans have been one of the best boards (read FUN) to ride. Had to order another. StarFins RULE~~~

Whats happening Guitar Tree…Look forward to seeing some gun pics.



You are exactly right and I’m an ass- Rick CARROLL not Grigg. Thank god he’s on the East Coast and can’t bitch slap me. The guy is a hell of a shaper and it’s a really nice looking board. As I said the waves weren’t helping yesterday, but I could feel the thing starting to work- it surfed as fast as a fish in the mush and on the one almost decent wave I got I realized even then it was money well spent- it got around a crumbly whitewater section easily, found the face and wanted to go- I’m amazed how awesomely the fat tail/starfin combo makes the board turn though- I’m going to have some fun on this one! That blue board with the flag is really nice- I’d like one with 4 stars though (NZ flag as opposed to Oz), maybe next time…

Ha Ha…I thought about getting one made with my heritage of cross bars and stars…but then I would have to take up watching NASCAR and add the number 3 to it. Don’t think I could do that.

Couldn’t do it either

10’2 Ron House shape


Damn! Nice board. Now some pics of you riding it will be next in order.