New innovation for coldwater surfboards

I would like to share this idea of getting more feel to the board while surfing in cold waters and wearing rubberbooties and such. Instead of using pads or any kind of trac top which only add more softer feel to the contact of the board, I have shaped such a feature directly into the board. Kind of a concave of a skateboard and the feel of a trac top at once…

What do you think?


Whats the reasoning behind it? Keep us posted on how it works.

I think I remember seeing boards with built-in foot prints “back in the days”… (70)

I built one for myself then, with a rear foot pad shaped in the tail but it didn’t work too good because I had put it too far back…


Did you read the original post at all?

Whats the reasoning behind it?

I would like to share this idea of getting more feel to the board while surfing in cold waters and wearing rubberbooties and such. Instead of using pads or any kind of trac top which only add more softer feel to the contact of the board, I have shaped such a feature directly into the board. Kind of a concave of a skateboard and the feel of a trac top at once…


This seems like an interesting idea. With a good wax job I can imagine it feeling very much like a stomp pad through booties. The only thing I would say is that is might be a little subtle except for the kicked section. Part of the job of the stomp pad is to let you know where your foot is. In this case it might be difficult except for at the far back when you hit the kick. The front portion could be a little more extreme I think. At least you could experiment with it.


WTF dude? Are you the reponse police? Yeah I read it. I was wondering how he came to the conclusion that those features would result in more feel in cold water. Excuuuuuuse me for not having the epiphany that he did. Also, most of us dont surf in uber cold conditions and I was curious to know how and why and what are the inherent challenges of such. That cool with you, bra, or should I retract all my previous posts that arent up to your standards of inquiry or comment?

I think the idea was that with thick neoprene boots (essential in cold conditions), a firmer surface with the same form as a tailpad would give a firmer, more responsive feel.



A lot of guys don’t like their boards until they get the dents going on the deck. Something to dig your feet into and let you know they’re in the right spots. Hard to do with compsands.

Aqua - be a duck… let it roll off your back :wink:

Hey - Fu: Done the same thing myself. Works fine. The only thing I think is “tricky,” is getting the “stopper” in the right spot… Even with stomp pads; I’ve found that I may “need” to put my foot farther back on a late drop, than I will want it for any turning… I’ve gone to just wax again - “Using the force” Ha! trusting my foot will find the right place most the time.

Never mind the arguing, it’s just part of the party

Crazy idea tayloro, but you could put two paralell finboxes along the stringer and easily make a plastic/wood/whatever stomp pad that could be adjustable???. Whether you could be bothered is another story!.

i dont see how its just a coldwater board innovation. i wear 7 mill. xcell booties and never had a problem feeling a tail pad. but being a bowl skater i always wanted to take the demensions of the tail section of my skate deck and shape that in to the tail of a little air board . like a 5’4" x19".


Aqua - be a duck… let it roll off your back :wink:

Im cool. I just think people need to make a stand when they get f’d with for no good reason. Im all good though. No hard feelings ilparadosso, just mind yourself and its all good:-)

Man! Like a fin box w/bungee inside, so if you had to push back further you could, but you could still just slide the foot back to the “sweet spot…” Or maybe springs inside…

I like it.

Kinda like these?:

yes yes !!! allan g thanks for posting those pics!the board on the left is what i imagined . but what is the purpose of the thinner trailing section? flex tail maybe?

yes, a flextail, and at the rate it’s getting whittled down its going to be a big fat squash…

Sorry Aquafiend,

I may have come across a little short. Typing isn’t the best mode of communication, however, I still think he explained himself very clearly. I sometimes get annoyed when people are unnecessarily questioned after they have explained themselves when the truth of the matter is that the questioner hasn’t read or listened very well.

its all good.

good to try things out and think out of the box…always.

but personally i cant say i had much problems with “feel” in booties. (7mm)

shit i even seem to care less about waxing the shit out of the board as i think booties

help more when it comes to grip even.

I think you will find if you check that the sole of your 7mm boot is more like 3-4mm to increase feel. I don’t really have a problem with the feel in boots, but I’m not particularly “high performance surfing” oriented. That said, I certainly notice an amazing difference when I’m able to get rid of hood gloves and boots, everything gets so much easier. My two cents worth…

