New Jersey Swaylockers!!

Ok dirty jersey swaylockers I think it is about time that everyone gets together. Everytime I go out to surf with some friends or start talking to people in the lineup about surfboard design or glassing they always seem to have no clue about it. I say we all get together one day so we can all see how bad we actually surf, and talk shop. Let me know if anyone is interested, as long as we don’t have to meet in the dreaded south jersey boondocks.

Sounds good to me. Where and when?

Im in Ocean Beach/Lavallette area. Let me know when, just not the 17th or 24th.


Sign me up!!! I am out of the country from 10/29 trhu 11/5 any other time works.

looks like surfifty is in the classic and the pro am. Good luck man, I gotta be in hatteras for easterns that week. I say we do it late september/october on like a saturday so hopefully we can score some hurricane juice. I put out october 1, and we can all decide on a central location, maybe like belmar or spring lake since its so accessible. Lets decide

I’m in, as long as work isn’t in the way. Oct. 8 is a no go for me. I’m down in AC, but I’ll drop by wherever the final location is.

Paul Smith

I’ll drop by if it’s somewhere in Monmouth county

I tried to do a gathering last year in the outer banks, but it fizzled. Pick a day and a place, and whoever can make it, makes it and whoever can’t, well there will always be another time.

Just to throw my two cents in, how about Manasquan inlet, the end of Sept. or begining of Oct. It’s easy to get to and it’s a good break.

Manasquan inlet is crowded, full of kooks, is mushy, and is really not worth surfing.


Maybe closer to the Sawmill:-) Lavalette?

May I suggest Asbury Pk - generally not that crowed, a little rough around the edges, but pleny of room to spred out and have fun. Decent nightlife too, and some cool galleries that might be interested in partnering / showing off everyone’s goods for a night.

i will come if it is in monmouth county on a weekend

I ain’t from NJ, but been through, and even caught some decent waves there - Manasquan, Lavalette, Bayhead.

good place to have a get together for some drinks after a sesh - the BBG in Pt Pleasant - Broadway Bar & Grill - Ocean ave & Broadway. mah humble opinion.

I’m in , i live near seaside and i recomend surfing island beach state park , miles of beach break and not a single person surfing.

I like Sea Girt or Bayhead or Belmar [straight shot down I195 for me]. And I like the ‘Arc’ in Bayhead for apres’ surf beer.

Livin’ in Pennsylvania, but NJ boy all the way.

jerseygrom - I don’t want to ruin your spot but is Island State Beach Park good for surfing? I was under the impression that it was just for surfcasting fisherman and kayakers? It is beautiful out there with miles of beaches. Any lifeguards or park rangers that prohibit swimming or surfing due to the rough conditions?

I’m in Monmouth Cty - how about a final decision/date on the Swaylocks East (New Jersey version) get together? Asbury - Belmar - Spring Lake or down in Seaside? Anyone?

I live in MD but spend a lot of time in Jersey, island beach , as i have learned from expierience will break in these fun bowly waves even with pretty strong onshores, and sometimes you can still get barreled! I have a good time every time i have gone there. I would like to go in the fall thou when there are none of those goshdarned green heads. and the remark about not one single person surfing, i go down on week days and there are people, not crowded but there are people surfing.

I’m in. I too live in the Lavallette area (and surf one of the Ocean Beaches regularily… was a guard there for a number of years). Coencidentially I’m not available on the 17th (HS class reunion, but then again that is the evening) and 24th (friend’s wedding). Surfifty, might we know each other?

Hacky, I surf the border of Ocean Beach unit one and Lavallette at Brynmawr ave. I ride longboards.