Please welcome your newest moderators: Balsa, Coque & Haavard. These wise and longtime Swaylock’s contributors have graciously accepted the challenge of moderating our ever-growing world of surfcraft enthusiasts.
They all hail from the European arena (Balsa - France, Coque - Spain, Haavard - Norway), so they’ll
watching over things while most of the stateside folks are dreaming of barrels.
billy [‘balsa’] is now a moderator on TWO forums . busy boy eh ?
congratulations guys !
[ …now , WHO of the present ‘mods’ is going to have a break ?]
hi guys !
this was posted from an internet cafe compooooter … have i missed anything else ?
[ian posted some bodysurfing shots of himself for me on that great ‘bodysurfing’ thread of Cheyne’s …THANKS , matey ! [ian now has my identity …uh oh !]
Excellent choices, one & all. The EU could not be better represented.
Anyone from Meso- or Sudenten-America in the works? Polynesia? Asia? Africa? I really like the global concept. This site reflects absolutely the best in intercontinental communication…its only true & proper that it be governed appropriately.
Ahem…well…as a Benevolent Dictatorship with one Mr. Swaylock as Supreme Commander, Allied Powers, of course
Please welcome your newest moderators: Balsa, Coque & Haavard. These wise and longtime Swaylock’s contributors have graciously accepted the challenge of moderating our ever-growing world of surfcraft enthusiasts.
They all hail from the European arena (Balsa - France, Coque - Spain, Haavard - Norway), so they’ll
watching over things while most of the stateside folks are dreaming of barrels.
Enjoy and be nice!
Haavard…A-ha is still great. I have surfboard customers from Norway…Morten and Jenz.