A couple of weeks ago I posted a new story about a new shaping machine here on the gold coast. I thought it would be of interest to some of you as there had been several discussions on using machines and getting the technology to the stage of having a finished board come out of a machine. I cannot believe how many posters related machines to Asian imports and popouts. I have been in many industries over some years now and have had various experiences with changes and advancement in technology. For example, photography has changed immensely in the past few years. Sure black & white is a great art form along with processing and developing your own prints. However, for the everyday person digital is the most practical for a wide spread generic population. Yes, the art has been digitalized but it suits a wide span of people who can have instant photo gratification!
How close-minded are the comments on “NO SOUL” in a surfboard because it was not shaped by hand! What a crock! How did you communicate with others today? Did you send emails or did you hand write it and fax it? Alternatively, maybe you sent it with Morse code. Whichever way you did it the meaning of the message got thru! I am sure it is nice to get a hand written letter now and then, once you crawl your way thru the scrawls and poor spelling. But now how much more of the message can we get across immediately when we send an email with digital photos attached. Just think if mrJ had to describe his whole vacuum bag project in just words…
I think the soul thing is so misinformed and uneducated. the most important thing should be that the designer/shapers original concepts and thoughts are actually produced as near as possible to his original ideas. Whether the best way for you as an individual is to use sandpaper and blocks, a hand planer, a hotwire, a profiler like KR’s, a shop bot or a $200,000 aerospace robot, Maybe even a mould like Bert’s etc etc… but your original concept is king! As long as you get what you are trying to achieve.
Back to my point about the new machine, I being on the gold goast I took the opportunity to have a look at the finished product and talk to the machines designer! To put it short AMAZING! Running a glass shop here I see many beginner shapers bring in work, the finished product from this machine is better than most of them! The designer of the machine kindly explained that all the other machines around are just profilers and this was the first machine deserving of the tag SHAPING MACHINE as it really does give you a 95% finished board. Looking at several well-known shapers boards cut out from the APS3000 I could pick the designer/shaper immediately so close was the character captured!
Over the years, I have been involved with making boards I have been given unshaped profiles from many shapers/blank manufacturers. A couple of them by reputation had me quite exited to finish off and ride, but with all of them, I was disappointed! None of them went better than anything I was shaping at the time, in fact most were much worse! I do not mean this as a negative thing to those shapers I have a high respect for, but the difference was the finishing touches to the profiled shape that made it perform well. Those personal intracies and character that anyone who has finished someone else’s work for them will understand. The APS3000 eliminates that altogether. The photos on the website do not do the finish justice. Sure, the glassing, sanding etc is done by hand, but let’s eliminate one variable at a time!
One poster summed up some of the import and competitions issues by saying “make a better product!” this is now so much more possible with the APS3000. it is the best “custom shape producing machine” I have ever seen.
As everyone recoils at the onslaught of “Asian imports and popouts”, rise to the challenge and make the best custom shape and board for your customer! If your customers go somewhere else to buy their next board you are doing something wrong. If you cannot make what they want in a board and give them the service they require, you do not deserve it as your day job! We know that beginners and the uneducated surfer will buy on price point; if they stick to surfing, they will soon enough find the shortcomings of their cheapie and look for a reputable board maker. If you have a reputation for giving your customers a product that works, and is of high quality your goodwill spreads worldwide.
Are not all stock boards’ popouts? Most of you people here on Swaylocks are purists in our art form or you are attaining to be. Remember the board is only as good as the designer/shaper WHICHEVER way it was made and whatever TOOLS were used. All I can say is get out there and produce the best you can with whatever you can. Custom make custom boards for your customers! I know the APS3000 is on my tools wish list!