Check out the May 2000, Surfboard of the Month - the second installment in an ongoing series. Hey all: This month’s centerfold is a 1970’s single-fin pin-tail by Sunset Surfboards of Encinitas, California. It’s sleek and sexy and a soothing sight for sore eyes. Check it out at the link below. Please note: The photos in Swaylock’s Surfboard of the Month are quite large (350+k) and take 1-2 minutes to download on a 28.8k modem. But these photos are high resolution and high quality - if you are patient you won’t be disappointed. Oh, and if anyone has a better idea than I do (which is no idea at all) the exact year this baby was made and who made it…please respond at the discussion forum. Hope you enjoy the stick! Swaylock
I see that about 10 people have looked at this feature. If you are looking at it with any version Internet Explorer on a PC can you see it? Thanks, Swaylock