New Swaylocks Layout

Hello all, Graham here just wanted to say great work on the new forum layout. I have spent many years researching information on this website on all sorts of topics.
The content and people’s knowledge on here is just amazing!!

Best of luck with it :call_me_hand:

Graham Kilfoyle
Republic of Ireland


Thank you! :pray: I really appreciate the compliment.

Hello. Michael here.
I just wanted to chime in and say the same. Really nice layout. Great work.
Spend many years reasearching the forum as well, but I lost track on what happened with the forum over the last couple of month, as I thought it would be only for paying users.
What a nice surprise when I just found out the discussion is still open for everybody. And it looks better than ever before.

I really enjoyed this place in the past. Hoping for more interesting discussions to come.

(landlocked diy boardbuilder / germany)


Yeah, I’d like to chime in even though this is an older thread. Swaylocks has been a huge influence on me since 99-2000 (different account). I’ve witnessed the fat penquin nonsense, the Roy Stewart inquisition, kokua’s departure, and so much more. The users on Swaylocks have inspired me to do things I never imagined ever attempting (thank you Surffoils and Thrailkill).
Because of Swaylocks I’ve made major life decisions, coverted my shed, and experimented/learned more than I thought possible (and there’s so much more to learn!). Because of Swaylocks, I became a backyarder, and gained the passion and appreciation for building surfcraft. In some eyes, they’re just toys, but to us they’re so much more.
Because of Swaylocks I had the opportunity to work with the infamous Austin and his father. However, because I wasn’t sure of myself, I passed on this once of a lifetime chance. Even though I’m forever kicking myself for that snafu, Swaylocks continued to be there for me. I decided to go the ‘lone wolf’ backyard route, and Swaylocks helped provide a ton if information for that long period of time.
Multiple board restorations and board flips later, I happened upon the chance to work on boards for a local shop that needed ding repair. This time, I was ready and I jumped at the chance.
The shop arena is really an eye opener and I had to learn a lot the hard way. And even today , four years later, there’s still stuff I’m learning (mostly the hard way).
It’s because of Swaylocks I’m doing my passion every single day.
I have now worked on over 1500 boards as a professional (and counting). I feel I’ve ‘done it’. I reached the goal I envisioned over 20 years ago.
For anybody reading this, it doesn’t have to take as long as I took; but know it’s possible.
For me, it was possible because of Swaylocks.