new Tread

The fin, skeg…dorsal feature of the contemporary surfboard has facinated the imagination of the greater surfing collective mind for 70? years… it was an instant success feature for the beginner as well as intermediate participant YOU TOO CAN ANGLE … the flattest kookbox with absolutely no conceptional awareness to waterflow dynamix or glide path trim Quest would be skyrocketed to being a dominant force in the line-up…in the hands of an enthusiastic rider of waves the finless Dinasaurs were eclipsed .For everything gained somthing is loosened,like the stray calf wandering the pampas , the wisdom inherent in the evolved hawaiian surfboard design has been wandering alone and calling out to buckaroos of the primordial plasma wishing to return to the herd …That center of lateral resistance insight came to me this morning on my walk…lets put another C in front of that…for concentrated… a concentrated center of lateeral resistance is the pivot of our whole movie. the skill level necessary to direct a craft with a difused(?) center of lateral resistance is a consideration…its hard! The entry level surfer Dynamic makes industrial types successful and nobody in a duesenberg can even think of parking downtown amongst a sea of TOYOTas …so any way this mat deal is an eye opener to the contour variable displacement bottom.(.as well as resensitizing and ego death of the fin hang up)…dont get me wrong I love fins aaaaaallllll my favorite fish and crueateans(whale types) got em but to loosten up boards over 11’ the reduction of fin size is an imperitive rocker and contour are my facination on these boards.With fin size reduction the sensitivity to botom contour becomes the success failure factor…more later ambrose…my ocean calls

WHY are you always talkin bout MATS??? why donja write up somethin I can understand or shut up on it already dude?


Howzit Decker, Ambrose is an all around water man who dosen’t restrict himself to just surfboards. His knowledge level is quite high and just because you aren’t in to mats doesn’t mean that others aren’t. If you are a regular to this site you should know that mats get a fair share of discussion on Swaylocks. Would you be so inclined to ask George Greennough not to post his observations on the art of mat riding. Be a little more open minded and respectful of all forms of wave riding. Ambrose is a very capable surfer and and loves Mother ocean, so if you don’t like some of the things he posts you,there’s no law that says you have to read his posts. Aloha, Kokua

3 entries found for dude. To select an entry, click on it. dude[1,noun]dude[2,transitive verb]dude ranch Main Entry: 1dude Pronunciation: 'düd also 'dyüd Function: noun Etymology: origin unknown Date: 1883 1 : a man extremely fastidious in dress and manner : DANDY 2 : a city dweller unfamiliar with life on the range; especially : an Easterner in the West 3 : FELLOW, GUY - dud·ish /'d(y)üd-ish/ adjective - dud·ish·ly adverb

Hey A, Ambrose if you speak to the King or Queen Bee ask if this may suffice as a translation of your above surf ambrosia? “Once a fin is affixed to the bottom of a surfcraft the true effect of bottom, rocker & rail configuration is tainted, thus if you want to know how the board itself is affected by different surf conditions reduce your over all fin area significantly.” Note: I have experimented with this idea, that is nullifying fin drive yet providing directional stability and have a discovered a set-up that is a most neutral one in imitation of the great pelagic travelers. It is intended strictly as a guidance system with minimal driving power and drag while it attempts to approach the maintenance of ideal trim attitude. It depends on the board’s bottom to generate speed and facilities rail drive more affectively the single fin approach. Anyone who cares to try it will need a full set of Future Fin systems or Red-X fin boxes or these in combination with a standard center fin box that reaches well toward the tail of the board, unfortunately I can make you one for nothing. Research continues to find nectar for the surf gods Just another worker bee, Rich P.S. Even bees can’t ignore gender issues?

yea an verily ricardo articulated well surely intelectually invisible to the lower life forms.kudos…ambrose stam stam stam15 waves 1/8 mi out invisible with dave an dennis clear water and rollers whowie wish you were there

Mi amigo Ambrose- que pasa???i’ve wondered for some time now what it would be like to build a board with a bottom just like a mat{and very small if any fin(s)}??? Matt

“intelectually invisible to the lower life forms”? Im offended. I love surfing and the clean life. Im staunchly against the use of illegal drugs. I believe in sober, hard, honest work. Im proud to be an American. Ive earned degrees in science and business administration. Yet I still have no idea what this Ambrose “dude” is trying to say. His manner of communication seems to be characterized by distortions of perception and altered states of awareness. The Hawaiian Islands are truly a pathetic repository of controlled substance abuse victims.

ambrose is an aquired taste…like sushi, cognac, expresso, poi, and cuban cigars…too bad you haven’t aquired it yet. Don’t knock what you don’t understand.

Hey I like reading Ambrose and Halcyon.Just because I dont understand it all is no reason to bitch eh ?As for mats versus boards I wish someone would come up with an inflatable stand up board,maybe with a stringer in it for some stiffness.Betcha they would sell. R. Brucker

Cleanlines: You ask, and you shall receive…except for the stringer part. I came across this site a while back.

Ambrose, Ich habe eigenlich keine Anhung ueber was du sprichst. Du bist ein Mann der nur spricht um seine eigene Worte zu hoeren. Schade. Wie das kind dem Koenig sagte der keine kleidung hatte, so sage ich," Hey Junge!, hast du uerberhaubt nichts zu sagen? Wenn ja, dann sage es klar und deutlich so andere koennen dich verstehen. You know what I mean? Doug

Ambrose is a great guy. Maybe you could chalk it up to artistic license and/or creative writing and leave the hate and hurt out of it? I doubt if he meant any personal offense.

It’s Espresso…

MY favorite dude…spikoli dont surf… was Ben Turpin the greatest comic cowboy silent film star of all time. just the thought of him swinging those saloon doors wide to see his 20 gallon hat and black and white dappled sheepskin chaps brings a smile to my soul…have you read the William Gibson (no relatiomn to mr.Hoot Gibson?) 's trilogy starting with Neuromancer 1982 then Count Zero ,followed by Mona Lisa Overdrive I know how you feel not understanding and then feeling stupid because of it ,let alone having somebody taunt you because of it, I had to re read that book and books over and over 10 pages at a time just to get through ‘em. I bailed out on that main stream communication and science and bussiness mainstream stuff and wrote my own books backwards so that the other world that makes stuff so hard for me an other dyslexics to understand feel what its like …you’re O.K. I’m O.K. so any way part two{ Ive been working on the evolutionary models for 30 years so dont expect to get it right away I do not always get it my self…} the boards in the work shed are 11’ or there abouts22" wide with severe concaves and tail lift behind fin placement John Kelly’s HYDRO board expression Imprinted me early in my developmental surfing from a design stand point but I could not see the flow past the step …that is probobly started me off on todays rant…HOT CURL + rocker+minimal and adjustable fin is the combination Im working with. This is a report aimed directly to only those who choose to wish to understand //// That german stuff is great I listen to forign language stuff and am facinated when I have little backround in a given language I can enjoy the patois and spacial relationships of the letters without letting the meaning get in the way…I can choose to get somthing so positive that when I hear the translation its kind’o a let down…When the japanese lady translated the kanji for me( I had been enjoing it for months) to mean “Ride the train to Osaka…thanks for the mind excerciseI try and find a german friend to translate…////…my wish to understand goes very deep My wish to be understood only goes so far but I was taught by thumper” that if you cant say sumptin nice dont say any thing at all" that lower life forms comment I often use as a defense when I feel my point of view threatened…the Mat riding studies are to un learn what is commonly accepted truth in our petri dish culture of marketing influenced design growth… the only places left to surf are grade X surf spots requiring extraordinary equiptment to get waves enough to get off as well as test stuff beyond the norm…[.how about thinking outside the dish instead of thinking out side the box ? ordinarily I would say "outside the dish and let the reader make the leap or get left behind does it help?.. we’ll see] the compassion demanded for those who are not learning IMPAIRED Not dyslexic not academic drop outs is haughty and demanding when the tables are turned on the educated and self assured are reversed the insuing biting response is amusing and predictable thanks for listening…ambrose…a regular trained academic would type this out in about 5 minutes It took me an hour and a half… design change Im working on

I know…it was my feeble attempt to express a little ambrosia…excuse my lack of subtlety…

Oh yes watch out what you say about Hawaii… .and I dont drink coffee or take prescription medicine so that you cant use that as a wedge my sobe friend …can I call you friend? ambrose… you may be apprehended after leaving the building and given a blood test by your children we are living post 1984

Drugs are everywhere but we’ve got great waves to keep us high.Aloha from Kauai,Kokua

Harrison, Show some respect, making judgments about people that you dont understand or know, is neither intelligent or wise. I prefer to think of Ambroses writing as being sort of like jazz improv… some can get down with his groove, and others cant. Of course, it could just be that youre tuned to the wrong frequency… dude.