?? New Year Resolutions ??

For me: 1} Yoga classes 2) Break out my 4th Gear Flyer (surf mat) and learn how to ride it 3) Continue to take the sage advice of Coral and “have fun!!”

For me:>>> 1} Yoga classes>>> 2) Break out my 4th Gear Flyer (surf mat) and learn how to ride it>>> 3) Continue to take the sage advice of Coral and “have fun!!” – Yoga, surfmats and fun? The practice and philosophy of Zen and the Art of Mat Riding, is built around balanced action in the present moment. When we are too aggressive, or too passive, our actions tend to be ineffective, being too strong, or too weak. Action that is in tune with events has the most power. Interestingly, such is also the essence of FUN. Sounds like you`re going to have a great year, Proneman! Dale

–>>> Yoga, surfmats and fun?>>> The practice and philosophy of Zen and the Art of Mat Riding, is built > around balanced action in the present moment. When we are too aggressive, > or too passive, our actions tend to be ineffective, being too strong, or > too weak. Action that is in tune with events has the most power.>>> Interestingly, such is also the essence of FUN. Sounds like you`re going > to have a great year, Proneman!>>> Dale Thanks again, caught wind, … have fun

Thanks again, caught wind, … have fun Happy New Year, Coral!!!

Happy New Year, Coral!!! Good for you, until next time!!! … have fun

Good for you, until next time!!! … have fun ,The Billy Idol show at The House of Blues was a RIOT!I was so close I could spit on the band,and I did,so they spit back…After hours party was cluster f**ked so B.I.,and myself said our hellos and farewells …until another 5 or 10 years til we meet again.Got a nice roadie embroidered hooded sweatshirt for my gift.Herb

For me:>>> 1} Yoga classes>>> 2) Break out my 4th Gear Flyer (surf mat) and learn how to ride it>>> 3) Continue to take the sage advice of Coral and “have fun!!” Finish shaping the 7’0" egg Ive had sitting on my stands since August.

Finish shaping the 7’0" egg Ive had sitting on my stands since > August. I hereby swear to be a little bit more serious when posting on Swaylocks Design Forum.I will never call Herb Martha Stewart again…honest…I swear…I’m not kidding…really…I mean it…no more B.S…cross my heart.I also promise to never again hang out in the parking lot harassing groms and telling stories of “the old days”.Last of all I swear that I will never ever again use the word “Kook” again…Happy New Year…R.Brucker

In 2003 I will talk less and listen more, surf more and hopefully I will shape and glass(and ride) that 7’6" thats been on the drawing board since August. God Bless and Happy New Year!!! Scott

For me: …Use my mid-week season pass at Crystal at least once a week… …Surf more (duh)… …Challenge myself with increasingly more difficult projects… …20 year wedding anniversary at Big Flat…(we were there on our honeymoon)… http://www.swaylocks.com/resources/Detailed/397.html

…Use my mid-week season pass at Crystal at least once a week…>>> …Surf more (duh)…>>> …Challenge myself with increasingly more difficult projects…>>> …20 year wedding anniversary at Big Flat…(we were there on our > honeymoon)… Paul, if you go in from the south, stop and have lunch at the Cove Restaurant. My daughter Varina is the owner. Mention Proneman for extra special treatment.

For me:>>> 1} Yoga classes>>> 2) Break out my 4th Gear Flyer (surf mat) and learn how to ride it>>> 3) Continue to take the sage advice of Coral and “have fun!!” To make Serial #000002. Thanks to Swaylock’s and all who contribute for the ability to make #000001!

For me:>>> 1} Yoga classes>>> 2) Break out my 4th Gear Flyer (surf mat) and learn how to ride it>>> 3) Continue to take the sage advice of Coral and “have fun!!” Resolve to continue keeping my cool when encountering idiots in the water. Like the the jerk who did a spin and block maneuver on me yesterday at “Sharks” as I was dropping in and got run over, then got in my face. He didn’t know what to say when I told him he wasn’t worth getting in a brawl with and paddled away.

Resolve to continue keeping my cool when encountering idiots in the water. > Like the the jerk who did a spin and block maneuver on me yesterday at > “Sharks” as I was dropping in and got run over, then got in my > face. He didn’t know what to say when I told him he wasn’t worth getting > in a brawl with and paddled away. Well I failed my first resolution already.My number one helper goes by the name of “kook”…I don’t know what else to call him…R.B.

Yoga, surfmats and fun?>>> The practice and philosophy of Zen and the Art of Mat Riding, is built > around balanced action in the present moment. When we are too aggressive, > or too passive, our actions tend to be ineffective, being too strong, or > too weak. Action that is in tune with events has the most power.>>> Interestingly, such is also the essence of FUN. Sounds like you`re going > to have a great year, Proneman!>>> Dale bull. what a crock of touchie-feelie. FUN is an aggressive, in-your-face attitude. a wide, low stance. doing what you want to do, and when you want to do it! plenty of loud cussing mixed with hand/arm gestures. that crazed, cross-eyed, Gary Busey “stare to the horizon” look. always yelling “MY WAVE!!!” every time you see another good one coming in. then when you finally leave the parking lot and walk down to the beach, those same special techniques will work even better out in the waves. now thats what I call F-U-N.

Well I failed my first resolution already.My number one helper goes by the > name of “kook”…I don’t know what else to call him…R.B. …That is a hard one…Last night I asked my wife to kook some dinner…

…That is a hard one…Last night I asked my wife to kook some > dinner… Did she bake you some kookies too?Well there goes another one of my resolutions.I was supposed to be serious about posts on the Board.Knowing da boys out there this has probably started another stupid thread.