new zealanders ...


  Please taake care of one another.  Times like these, all else can be shifted to the trivial bullshit category and put on hold.



  absolutely !!


  "cheater5"  was another kiwi who used to post good photos here ,  I hope he's okay [can't remember where in en zed he lived

I would like to offer prayers and condolences as well.  I know Paul Cannon is on the North Island but haven't heard anything from him.  I have tried to reach him through Facebook.  Hope he and his crew are Ok.  Again our thoughts and prayers will be with you. 

Dave D


      Howzit Warthawg, Glad to hear that Ragland was OK and Dennis spent a Month with us back in the 90's and got to meet some great people on Kauai. He invited me to come stay with him any time but I seemed to travel to warm weather spots instead. If you ever meet him just tell him you met Wildog from Kauai on Swaylocks. Aloha,Kokua

It’s weird, the first thing I thought about when I saw this on the news was that I hope all the NZ Swaylocks bredjren are alright. Funny how this place has a way of introducing you to people all over the world.

Sending good vibes that way.

Thank you everybody for your concern, many homes are without power, I have been fortunate to live in an area where we got services back very quickly. 10 miles away, at, the beach suburbs they are still waiting for some services. There are people from 20 different nationalities who are missing and I would like to acknowledge those people and their countries of origin and also search and rescue teams from all over the world.

Canterbury was definitely not on any geophysists radar as a potential earthquake area. The expectations were for The Alpine Fault, our San Andreas equivalent or the Wellington Fault, possibly similar to San Francisco.

The following is from Wikipedia: In Māori mythology, Ruaumoko (also known as Ruamoko) is the youngest son of Rangi and Papa, god of volcanoes
and seasons. He has never been born and remains inside his mother’s (Papa’s)
womb. His movements are considered the cause of earthquakes.

Currently Ruaumoko is underneath Canterbury, Nga Pakihi Whakatekateka o Waitaha and I wouldn’t wish him on my worst enemy.

 Who can we blame for the deaths, property developers, central and local government planners? who knows, it is all about risk and fiscal management, if I lived in California I would be looking at all the old brick buildings and other so called Heritage ones and demolishing them as they will never survive big earthquakes. Unfortunately that is not fiscally possible, maybe property developers need to be supertaxed to develop a fund that might pay for reconstruction, rather than allowing them to become the Donald Trumps of the world. I don’t know the answers but there is cause for debate and investigation.




Kia Ora koutou katoa. Aroha nui mai Maui mai.Kia inoi matou mo koutou katoa.

A scientist in Australia predicted the Christchurch quake.

His website is

It seems like there is a pattern of earthquakes occuring around the time of the full and new moons.

The Christchurch quake was 4 days after the full moon.

If I lived anywhere near a faultline, like California for example I would be keeping an eye on this website.