Just a quick hello to the forum.

Ive been reading this forum for some time now and its awesome reading through the posts/information found here…

Ive always wanted to shape my own boards so Ive bitten the bullet and built a shaping bay in my garage. Im currently finishing off No.1 :) 

Anyway, ill post some pic’s up one its done.

take it easy 



Hey Matt, If you’re in Sydney, Australia let me know as I’m happy to help.

 Help, drink beer, talk crap, drink more beer, go for Chinese takeaway, whatever man.

Ta Surffoils, Im not in Syd but up the Coast. 

Picked up a couple of blanks the other week from Surfblanks at Brooky and been spreading dust through out the house ever since (misses not happy)… Ive got that under control now with an extraction fan and good shop vac. Board #1 is done so Im going to Laminate it this week. 

Enjoying the learning curve 

Great shape, looks even and the lines are pleasing to the eye… have you done this before ?

 That floor looks too clean if you’re going to get serious about shaping !

No never done it before… designed the outline in AKU shaper, printed a full size template and went from there. The blank was a 5’11" SB (pacific foam) and the board is 5’8" x 20 x 2.5. quad/ thruster. Has a slight single running into a double with a bit of V off the tail.

Rails etc I copied of boards I like. Practiced getting the shape of them correct on a broken board I picked up out of the bin the other week… That was a larning curve in it self. I made a fred tool… but didnt like using it so I based my bands on info I found on the Greenlight web site.

I modified the meaurement for what I wanted and cut the bottom band with a hard block and 80 Grit and deck with planner and hard block.

Ive never done laminating before, so I’ll practice my first Lam on that Broken board I mentioned, so fingers crossed It works out OK.

I like learning from my mistakes :slight_smile:



Floors clean … thats the OCD kicking in :wink:

Awesome first shape Harks! shits all over mine lol. cant wait to see it finished . Im also on east coast oz.

I’d be proud. Really nice.

thanks … yeah im stoked how it came out