Newbie living in the Netherlands...

Ok to kick off, I haven’t surfed a lot in my life. 2 years ago I went on my first surfcamp in France. This summer I’ll be heading to Moliets, a small village in the Biarritz area, with a surfcamp for two weeks.

I’ve been Snowboarding for 4 years now and I’d like to find a balance between snowboarding and surfing. Surfing in the summer, snowboarding in the winter (sounds pretty logical :P). So probably I’ll be surfing a lot the next couple of summers. I’ll probably go to the north coast of Spain or somewhere in the neighborhood since I’m Spanish. Therefore I’ll need to have a board. I COULD try to get my hands on a cheap second-hand board BUT, It seems more fun to me to make one myself.

One problem: I live in the Netherlands, and an hour away from the ocean. What does that mean? Sloppy waves and not more than 40 surfeable days per year. Also I’m 17 so I don’t have a driver license (You can’t get one here in Europe till you’re 18). That means there are almost NO (professional) shapers in the Netherlands.

I’d like to get my hands on making surfboards though. I’ve been reading the swaylocks forums for a week now, and I’m really getting pumped about it. I’m pretty confident about the shaping; For an aerodynamics project at school we had to make large scale wings out of foam. So I’m not totally starting from scratch.

What I fear most to do wrong is the Fibreglassing. I haven’t done it before and I’ll have to see how that turns out.

I’m planning to get “Shaping 101” and “Glassing 101” from JC, and I’ve also read “Surfboard Design and Costruction”. The only thing that I don’t really get yet are the fins. What’s the advantage of removable fins over fixed fins or vice versa? When should you use fixed fins and when not? I hope this is highlighted in Shaping 101 or Glassing 101, coz it’s still a bit unclear for me.

And then, the most important: Where do I get my required products? Especially the blanks… Remember, I live in the Netherlands…

I found a website that seemed pretty ok to me. Please confirm. →

It’s a British website, so the shipping costs are still not quite as cheap as they could be. So if someone knows other suppliers closer to the netherlands (maybe dutch suppliers) please tell me…

Did I miss something? Any overall tips about making your first own surfboard?

Thanks in advance for your answers,


Thread had been up 24hrs now, still no answers. Guess no-one is willing to make an effort to read the whole post :stuck_out_tongue: I’m gonna pin up some questions hoping to get some answers…

  • Still being a beginner and not having surfed a lot, what would be good shape to start shaping. The shape should be easy to ride in small sloppy waves like we’ve got here in the Netherlands…

  • Where can I get templates for that shape?

  • What’s the advantage of removable fins over fixed fins or vice versa? When should you use fixed fins and when not?

  • Where do I get the stuff needed to make surfboards? Especially the blanks… Remember, I live in the Netherlands…

  • What’s up with the site: Has anyone had experiences with that website/company?

Hope I’ll get some answers.

Thnx in advance…

  • Still being a beginner and not having surfed a lot, what would be good shape to start shaping. The shape should be easy to ride in small sloppy waves like we’ve got here in the Netherlands…

Longboard, Hybrid/funshape

  • Where can I get templates for that shape?

Gotta make your own. Search the archives here. You can use a fishing pole or a batten or copy an existing shape

  • What’s the advantage of removable fins over fixed fins or vice versa? When should you use fixed fins and when not?

Advantage- removeable for travel, versatile you can change fins/fin position, preferance

  • Where do I get the stuff needed to make surfboards? Especially the blanks… Remember, I live in the Netherlands…

No idea, do a search on google. You may have to order and have them shipped to you. You will save alot on shipping if you order more than one blank.

  • What’s up with the site: Has anyone had experiences with that website/company?


…homeblown is a MDI foam (insulation foam)

i used elova foam (mdi also) and i think that´s no good than TDI blanks…,(clark, bennett, dion, burford, etc)…but for a first board, there´s really no problem…

-the mdi foam is sprayed in the mould, tdi not…,result–more grain like consistence…

–insulation foam is somewhat like yellow, so, they add pigments to turn it white…, result–weaker foam in some parts.

—the densities are heavier…

Aloha Americangreg.

Board suggestion: same as JTroy - longboard or funboard. Funboard might be easier to travel with.

Templates: Probably going to have to make your own as he suggested as well, unless you can hook up with Havard and he can send you paper copies of what he’s got if he’s into it. Think he lives up in Norway…(?) He’s a frequent poster, just search some of the current topics and you’ll probably see a post from him. Don’t drop in on the thread to ask him an off topic question though. Either start a new thread with him in the topic, or send him a personal message. (surprised he hasn’t posted to this thread yet as he’s ‘close’ to you)

Fins: more information than you can imagine in the archives and probably even in the current threads (check the current fin theory thread). Again, JTroy’s got your answer for you. Easiest for travel. There’s a whole lot of theories and discussion that’s gone on about performance of removable vs. glass on, but as a beginner, I don’t think you’ll need to worry about that. Removable will be a lot easier for you to install yourself as a beginner. Glass ons are doable for sure, but a bit more of a pain. Said from experience. Albiet loads less experience than the pros, but then again, there’s probably a reason I don’t glass surfboards for a living. :wink:

Materials: Again, I’d ask Havard. I know he’s a few countries distant from you, but at least you’re on the same side of the planet, and a darn sight closer than the US… Afraid I don’t know much about the company. other than seeing the name before. I would imagine that ordering from them would be a lot cheaper than ordering from FoamEZ here in the US.

Good luck with the project…


Hmm I really don’t have a clue about different types of foam. But MDI should work fine to use for a first board isn’t it?

And then about the shape, I found this Hybrid shape on

Is it a good idea to just make the image larger and make templates out of it? Or should I try to find a real surfboard and measure that board’s sizes?

And what about the rails? What type of rails should i do? Please explain about different type of rails. I’ve searched the forums and found different types of rails. 50-50 or 40-60 but I really don’t know what those numbers mean… Couldn’t find it anywhere either…

Which type of rails should I use for a hybrid?

And I’ve also seen some other Hybrid forms. This one I just posted has a pin-nose, should I make a first surfboard with a round nose?


First thing is first. Remember that a lot of the information you asked is located in the archives, and is often asked on this board. Take a look at the archives before asking questions. Most of your questions can be easily found and answered there. If you dont have the patience to search through the archives, then you probably wont have the patience to make it through shaping and glassing a surfboard. I’m just saying not to take it personal if no one answers your post. Most of the guys on this site, myself included, have been through millions of posts of the exact same nature.

That said, I’ll try to tackle a couple questions you got.

  • Still being a beginner and not having surfed a lot, what would be good shape to start shaping. The shape should be easy to ride in small sloppy waves like we’ve got here in the Netherlands…

I have no clue what netherlands surf is like, or how athletic you are, etc. etc. I would recommend you simply find a used board to learn on. Something in the 8’0" - 8’6" egg range. Especially if you live an hour from the ocean w/o a drivers liscence - that’s a long LONG walk. If you MUST shape a board first, I would suggest a similiar shape.

  • Where can I get templates for that shape?

Your best bet is to go to a surfshop and trace a similiar board. When you watch shaping 101 - it gives a pretty decent idea on how to do this. Cardboard works just fine with your first few templates. Also, if you cant find or dont have a surfshop in the area, just get creative and trace one out. It works.

  • What’s the advantage of removable fins over fixed fins or vice versa? When should you use fixed fins and when not?

Archives. This has been beaten to death on this board left and right, and anything you need to know can be found there. With that said, I feel glassing fins on is the more practical way of getting fins on your first board. Just prepare and you shouldnt have much of a problem.

  • Where do I get the stuff needed to make surfboards? Especially the blanks… Remember, I live in the Netherlands…

I have no clue. Do a search on the internet for surfboard blanks, or try and see if some of the US companies ship internationally. You have to realize that its going to cost you an arm and a leg to do this thing if you gotta have it shipped internationally.

  • What’s up with the site: Has anyone had experiences with that website/company?

No clue. I know several british companies sell surfboards, and there should be surfshops all along Europe and probably some in the Netherlands. It would be a good idea to contact them and see about getting a blank.



Thnx in advance…


Is it a good idea to just make the image larger and make templates out of it? Or should I try to find a real surfboard and measure that board’s sizes? Real surfboard would be easier. You can do the math of the board and just carefully draw it out if your heart is sold on that size.

And what about the rails? What type of rails should i do? Please explain about different type of rails. I’ve searched the forums and found different types of rails. 50-50 or 40-60 but I really don’t know what those numbers mean… Couldn’t find it anywhere either… It’s all in the archives. Search through it and study, it’ll be well worth your time.

Which type of rails should I use for a hybrid?

Archives :smiley: And I’ve also seen some other Hybrid forms. This one I just posted has a pin-nose, should I make a first surfboard with a round nose? I would suggest an egg, and not a hybrid. So yes, round nose. Aloha Bryan


I can only add this. Get that video and watch it a bunch. Get the Damascus videos, too. Watch, listen, and study. The Damascus video discusses different rail designs. I would be glad to send you fun board templates in the 7’2" to 7’8" range. Send me an address on the message function. Mike

It seems as though you’re determined to build a board which I encourage you to do. In the meantime, I suggest you get a bodyboard so that you can easily carry it on trains and busses to get in basic “water-time”. using one of those you’ll get used to what waves do and where and how they break. Being at the beach will get you familiar with the local surf population and maybe you’ll meet others wanting to build boards too. I lived in Denmark for a year and could have surfed even a train/bus ride north of Copenhagen if I’d had a bodyboard or mat.

Have fun.


Hoi, One problem: I live in the Netherlands, and an hour away from the ocean. What does that mean? Sloppy waves and not more than 40 surfeable days per year(tell me about it). Also I’m 17 so I don’t have a driver license Try yer Fiets and thats what I use from Rotterdam That means there are almost NO (professional) shapers in the Netherlands. Shaper Buffo, Den Hague-, best in Europe in my opinion

I’d like to get my hands on making surfboards though. I’ve been reading the swaylocks forums for a week now, and I’m really getting pumped about it. I’m pretty confident about the shaping; For an aerodynamics project at school we had to make large scale wings out of foam. So I’m not totally starting from scratch. Thats a very good start

What I fear most to do wrong is the Fibreglassing. I haven’t done it before and I’ll have to see how that turns out. I’m planning to get “Shaping 101” and “Glassing 101” from JC, and I’ve also read “Surfboard Design and Costruction”. The only thing that I don’t really get yet are the fins. What’s the advantage of removable fins over fixed fins or vice versa? When should you use fixed fins and when not? I hope this is highlighted in Shaping 101 or Glassing 101, coz it’s still a bit unclear for me. Removable fins are better for transport, and playing around with bifferent sizes. My favorite are for side fins

And then, the most important: Where do I get my required products? Especially the blanks… Remember, I live in the Netherlands…

Also in the UK, but will deliver kit to NL

Did I miss something? Any overall tips about making your first own surfboard?

You seem to be on the right track

Thnx all for the replies, I’ve figured out pretty much everything I think… I’ve got a pretty clear Image in my head of the whole process. Yesterday I spent most of my day reading the archives (hey you gotta do something when you’re having holidays…) and I found many of my answers. Still I have 2 issues not being completely clear:

  • The fins. I think I’ll just stick with the FCS fins. Their installation guide is pretty clear and they seem to be pretty easy to get. One thing that was unclear in the archives was: Do you really need to buy the FCS installation kit? I found mixed answers on that question in the archives… Maybe you have the answer…

  • The rails. I found many information about rails in the archives. But I couldn’t find an answer to what 50/50 rails are. Or what 60/40 rails are, or 70/30… Could someone please explain me the difference?

many thnx…

I think there was someone on this site with the name geert who was from Netherland. Check the archives, you might be able to dig up an email address.

Have you considered EPS/epoxy as an alternative? It costs way less than having a set shipped from the UK(atleast for me here in Norway). Tools are mostly the same.




There is seabase on the continent in France. I started out with the homeblown I still use some o their blanks for certain models. But I find they are harder and more difficult to work with than the clark blanks. You said you would be surfing north Spain or south France I gather you will be fying their so removble fins would be a good investment. Not too sure on your preferences but I would say a wide shortboard and a long board or a mal last thing you want to do is travel an hour to the coast and you cant surf cause your board is too small.

Fellow eurpean