Newbie Question - How do I ...

G’day crew,

I know what you’re thinking, here we go again, another newbie asking a question before doing the search thing … right?


Yep … wrong …

U C, I’ve been lurking here for a couple of months now … searching, reading, searching, reading …

Learnt a shitload … still more to learn … always learning …

My question is simple though …


Yep … that’s it … one very appreciative newbie Aussie backyarder that’d just like to say THANKS to everyone who has taken the time to share their knowledge over the years on here. The ‘community’ here seems pretty awesome, and I can understand the frustration when someone asks a question BEFORE doing a search. FFS, how hard is it to do a search first!

So, thank you to everyone …

Hoping in time, I may have some knowledge to share, that in turn may benefit others … in the meantime, the search is my friend …


PS: FWIW, I’ve been surfing since 1975, tried shaping many years ago, and failed … I’m now looking to use technology to overcome my predisposition to shaping asymmetrical outlines. Using AKU Shaper to “design” and then have the machine cut the foam (surely I can’t stuff it up too much from there)… outsourcing the glassing for a while until I get the “design” side working, and then will have a crack at glassing too …




Probably the best way is right here.