newbie shaping 7'6" "egg" single fin advice

Hi - This is my second shaping attempt (first went relatively well - and learned a lot). I want to shape a board that will help me catch a lot of waves in mushy summer surf up here in the pacific northwest. I have a fish, and just want something longer that I can get my friends on too, when they join me in the water and don’t really know how to surf.

Does anyone have thoughts on the embedded design I tweaked? Should I do a single fin, or add a couple side boxes for better conditions?

Does the rocker and nose/tail dimensions look okay? Just throwing it out there to see what feedback I can get. I’m going to be shaping from a US blanks 7’9" template (





You won’t get that rocker out of that blank, but that’s okay because the standard rocker will be a lot more more user-friendly, particularly for novices.  Personally, I would use the 7-10 SP blank (with a lowered nose rocker) for a singlefin, but this blank will work, too.  

But yeah, just go with the single fin because in small conditions you won’t be using the side fins anyway.  Big flex fin.  



…search: “the egg thread” or like that; long one; there you will find all the answers you need.