I just revisited Bruce Brown’s Waterlogged video and saw the Wedge in action in the early '60,s. Does this place still work like the old days and who rides it?
I just revisited Bruce Brown’s Waterlogged video and saw the Wedge in > action in the early '60,s. Does this place still work like the old days > and who rides it?>>>>>>>>>>>>>It’s for the most part a ,“body surfing only” spot.There is a black ball period that ruffy fills the south swell window time frame.Another words no boards of any kind from say may -oct.(this is just a guess on the dates someone here might know the correct ones).Back in the 70s,and 80s I tried/attempted to surf the wedge,with the right swell and size it was almost rideable.I stopped this insanity when I walked up to the break one day to witness a youngman break his neck and die before my very eyes(a body surfer),(John M. there was nothing I could do for him,with all my best efforts). >>>>>>>>>>>I’m just a spectator at this break now.Herb
I just revisited Bruce Brown’s Waterlogged video and saw the Wedge in > action in the early ‘60,s. Does this place still work like the old days > and who rides it? Barge, Check this forum out, it
s THE place to go for personal info on the Wedge, from the hardcore who surf it every time it
s breaking: Dale
Hey - you do what you can do, right? I’ve often said, after 35 years of surfing, that at I know when NOT to go!