Next board design ok?

Hi guys,    what do you think about this design? 

  Its the second time I shape this board, first one surfs ok but has quite a lot more tail rocker and  a deeper concave , needs a powerful wave to keep it moving, and thats not what I have at my local surf spots, it looses speed and drive quickly ,it bogs,  and also feels a bit sluggish,  not very happy with the result,  I´ll try to shape the same one with less tail rocker and a bit thinner, with not as deep concave also.  I Need more drive on this board.  How does it look like?



look good for me. To add drive to a given design you have to straighten back rail, so you can reduce tail rocker as you do, you also can straight back outline by slightly reduce mid width and increase tail width. too much of both and board become stiff, end that increase with speed.

Thanks  for you answer Mat…