Being generously offered off cuts from Local super shaper DrewTang, I started on my next project.
I figure until I get competent with power tools it’s all practice anyway.
Not sure what shape I’m shooting for but I definetely see a surfboard in all this foam. Somewhere.
Started by making a 2.5 inch channel out of some scrap lumber.
Borrowed my fathers filet knife and started cutting.
I decided on 10 pieces because I’m not sure of the final shape. 8 pieces only gave me 20 inches and 9 wouldn’t accomodate a center stringer.
Here they are all cut, different rockers, thicknesses and lengths.
My clamps are only long enough for 4 pieces. So I glued 4 pieces, 4 pieces the the remaining 2.
Then stacked the 3 glued pieces in the garage with paint cans on the for the complete 10 piece glue up.
Here’s the way it looked after all the glue was dry. I was disappointed and it was difficult to see how this would work out.
After some time with some sandpaper and a planer this is what I have.
I think this’ll work.