Nice looking LB Paul!!

Very clean for a first shape. Wish my first one was as clean. Heck I wish my last one was!! Get yourself another blank and keep it going. laters ed

Yeah…l’m liking that airbrush! Nice work.

thanks all! second one aint that good, but the third is looking sweet at the moment! just gotta glass it now! that dreaded stage where everything goes wrong!! lol paul

That’s a beautiful board Paul. If I understand it correctly, you sold it before you rode it? If that’s the case, stay in contact with the guy you sold it to so you can buy it back later. There’s nothing like owning the first board you ever built. I would give large sums of money if I ever found my original. Keep up the good work! aloha, tom

wish my first board came out that nice. pics are coming soon. i think my glassing is better than my shaping. who knows. i might become a better glasser than shaper. well see in about 10 years. anyways nice looking LB. later