North Shore Winter Board

Hello board shapers, designers, and fellow surfers,
I joined this forum so long ago when I was collecting surfboards and wanted to get info on the boards I was buying and some of them I posted.
I haven’t been back here in a very long time and during the last 6 years, since I’m retired and now young 68, I’ve shaped 7 boards and made some really
cool koa wood fins for my boards (thruster and quad). Surfing my home break at SanO the boards have been really fun and of course the last board
I made is the best, 7’5" fun board. Last year I was in Hawaii and surfed some fun spots including a very small (3’-5’ Pipeline). I’m going back to the North
Shore to surf again and I’m really interested in putting together a board that will be fun for those waves. I’m into the medium sized boards, not a shortboard
per say but not longer than 7’6" and not shorter than 7’. I’m surfing in the Waialua area, Haleiwa, and Laniakea, fun stuff. What I’m looking for are
Ideas on bottom contours, rocker and foil designs. Nose and tail widths are important too. That last board had a single to double concave and it is the board
I’m holding in my profile picture. It’s possible this question has come up before and if that is the case please direct me to the thread. Thanks

P.S. Not in Corona anymore.

Congratulations on the longevity of your senior surfing career, you have accomplished what many of us youngsters (I’m 62) aspire to!

I rented a Robin Johnston on the North Shore for surfing Jocko’s a few years back. It worked so well I templated it. 7’6" x 14" x 20.5" x 3" x 14". NR 6.75. TR 2". US Blanks 7’7" A. Single to double. I think I was 56-57 at the time. 59 now.

I have some bigger wave boards you can borrow and 1 gun in the 7’10" ish size. I never surfed pipe but all the other places you mentioned. Have some 10’ guns for the bigger days with 21", 23" .25" widths. No shame locking into the outside sets on longer guns. Super fun. How much do you weigh?

Thank you for your congrats…you must know that it hasn’t been easy. Back surgery 3 years ago but that seems to have corrected the problem.
Make sure you do your stretches in the morning and before you go out in the water. About 10 years ago I was surfing at Haleiwa and this guy
comes up to me while I was rinsing off in the shower and he says nice wave you got. I turned and it was Jim, he was visiting his kids or something
like that. Aloha

Nice shape…I’ll keep that in mind. I’m a short guy, about 150lbs. I’m trying to get an idea of what works. That’s a lot of nose rocker.

I weigh only 150 lbs and wanted to shape the board before I come over. I’ll be staying with a friend that lives in Waialua. He has some boards too.
I might end up either leaving the board there or selling it. I brought 2 boards last December that I shaped and they worked ok. One was a 8’6" pin
tail that had a 15" nose, 21.5" wide. The other was ok at 7’7" but the tail was too wide at 16". Both boards were single to double concave. It’s always
fun to surf on a board you’ve made.
I’ve attached a sample of the fins I’ve made.

… Then where are you now? Are you still in SoCal? I’ve had a little experience with boards of the kind you’re interested in. Perhaps I can be of some assistance.

Hi Bill… I’m in Dana Point now and have been for the last 5 years. I’ve grew up in Anaheim and migrated to the inland area and now back
to OC to the place were I belong. I believe we’ve met, I was in the Longboard Collectors club for a while and as I remember you were as well or you came to sell a board or two at a meeting at SHCC. As I recall you had a very interesting fin design that incorporated 2 matching center
fins. Thank you for your invitation and yes I would be interested to know more.

Corona… read your private messages. I’m standing by, to help provide a life changing surfing experience for you, on the North Shore. Get back to me, eh?